The top 7 benefits of Green Tea
Green tea has become extremely popular in recent years, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy of your attention and praise. In fact, the more you learn about this delicious drink, the more benefits you can expect to reap from drinking it every day! Here are seven of the biggest benefits to drinking green tea on a regular basis. Take notes!
1) Helps with weight loss
Green tea is known for its ability to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. But how does it work? The active ingredient in green tea is caffeine, which is a natural stimulant. Caffeine increases your heart rate and makes you feel more alert. It also blocks the effect of adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that makes you feel sleepy. In other words, caffeine keeps you from feeling tired and boosts your metabolism, both of which can lead to weight loss. On the other hand, too much caffeine may cause headaches and insomnia. To avoid these side effects drink no more than four cups of green tea per day (or 300 mg). Drink less if you are sensitive to caffeine or have high blood pressure. Help with cancer: A 2013 study found drinking five or more cups of green tea per day decreased prostate cancer risk by 25%. And don't worry about overdoing it; there's no hard evidence linking green tea consumption with any adverse health risks. Natural detoxifier: The antioxidants in green tea prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals, one type of toxin linked to aging and disease. Furthermore, the tannins present in green tea increase liver function, encouraging waste removal from cells so they can regenerate. Good for skin: Antioxidants present in green tea help protect skin cells against damage from ultraviolet rays, pollution and other environmental factors that can lead to premature aging and wrinkles. They may also reduce the likelihood of developing melanoma. Helps with depression: While many people think antidepressants are the only treatment option for depression, research suggests that taking part in physical activity or going on a diet might be just as effective. Green tea has been shown to improve mood and relieve stress, both symptoms associated with depression. Reduces risk of heart attack: Drinking green tea has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and coronary artery disease due to improved cholesterol levels and vascular reactivity. If you're at high-risk for cardiovascular diseases consult your doctor before starting on this regimen as it could interact poorly with certain medications like blood thinners. Helps with Alzheimer's Disease: Research shows that polyphenols found in green tea may help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease by reducing oxidative stress and removing amyloid plaques in animal models. You won't see significant results until after prolonged use, but small improvements should be apparent within a few weeks. Helps improve mental clarity: If you're looking for a little brain boost without reaching for coffee or energy drinks, try sipping some green tea instead. Caffeine helps support cognitive function, while L-theanine reduces mental and physical fatigue making you sharper and calmer. Decreases Risk of Diabetes: Numerous studies have suggested drinking 3 cups or more of green tea each day lowers the risk of diabetes. Green tea may also improve insulin sensitivity and regulate glucose metabolism. However, it is unclear whether the link between green tea and diabetes is causal or coincidental.
2) Green tea has antioxidant properties
Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which are substances that fight damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause cell damage and lead to conditions like cancer and heart disease. antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause. That’s why green tea is often hailed as a healthy beverage. It's also believed to have antibacterial properties: Researchers found that compounds called catechins, particularly EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), were effective against bacteria. One study published in the journal Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology found that catechins can kill off many types of bacteria including Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris and Enterobacter aerogenes. So what are you waiting for? Add a little green tea to your diet today! Green tea has antioxidant properties
Green tea contains vitamins
Green tea has antibacterial properties
It also boosts immunity
Helps with weight loss
Is a great source of natural energy
3) Reduces the risk of cancer
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. This includes a reduced risk of cancer. In fact, studies show that green tea can actually help to prevent various types of cancer, including breast, colon, and skin cancer. One study even found that those who drank the most green tea had a 42% lower risk of developing any type of cancer. These findings also apply to smokers, as smokers were shown to benefit from drinking green tea as well. And when it comes to weight loss - guess what? Drinking more green tea means you will lose more weight! The health benefits don't stop there! From heart disease prevention to dental care, this tea has something for everyone. It's good for your teeth: As if reducing your risk of cancer wasn't enough, one study suggests that drinking 3-4 cups of green tea every day could reduce your risk of gum disease by up to 44%. That's right - not only does this tea keep you healthy in general, but it can make sure your smile stays healthy too! Another study showed that people who drink 6 or more cups per day had fewer tooth cavities than people who did not drink green tea at all. It's good for your heart: The next time someone tells you to drink lots of water after eating a heavy meal or indulging in some rich food and wine, tell them about green tea instead! Research shows that drinking green tea may increase levels of HDL cholesterol (the good kind) while simultaneously decreasing LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). And we're not just talking about a little bit, either. Those who consumed an average amount of 5 cups per day saw their HDL cholesterol levels rise by nearly 20%, while their LDL cholesterol levels dropped by 12%. An increased ratio of these two lipids indicates improved cardiovascular health. Promotes weight loss
4) Boosts your energy levels
Do you always find yourself reaching for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning? If you’re looking for a more natural way to boost your energy levels, green tea may be the answer. Unlike coffee, which can cause jitters and an irregular heartbeat, green tea provides a gentle and sustained energy boost. So if you’re looking for an alternative to your morning cup of joe, give green tea a try! In addition to providing that afternoon pick-me-up, green tea also has been shown to increase brain activity and improve memory. It also has antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative stress. In terms of weight loss, some studies have shown that people who drink green tea are less likely to put on pounds than those who don't consume itit regularly. For this reason, many dieters consider drinking green tea daily as part of their fat-burning toolkit. One study even found that overweight individuals who drank four cups of green tea per day lost six times more weight than those following the same diet but not drinking any tea at all. In addition to aiding with weight loss, research suggests that regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. Lastly, it's important to note that because all teas come from the same plant (camellia sinensis), different types can offer different health benefits; including white and black teas as well as oolong and pu'erh varieties
5) Improves your heart health
Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It’s loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. This includes improved heart health. Studies show that green tea can lower cholesterol levels and improve blood vessel function. This can protect against atherosclerosis, a condition that leads to heart attacks and strokes.Green tea also appears to boost the number of good bacteria in your gut, which can be beneficial for overall health. And it may even help your brain cells stay healthy too. It contains compounds called catechins, which block an enzyme from breaking down acetylcholine – an important neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning. One study found that people who drank five cups of green tea a day for 12 weeks had improvements in cognitive functioning after the trial period was over. Drinking green tea has been shown to increase focus, improve reaction time, and lead to better grades. Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea per day could provide relief from ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity and inattention. Another benefit of drinking green tea is regulating weight. It increases the body's energy expenditure, boosting metabolism by up to 4%. Increased thermogenesis will result in higher basal metabolic rate and therefore less fat accumulation. For example, when compared to control groups, those who drink two cups of green tea every day for eight weeks lose about two pounds more than those who don't drink any. The polyphenols present in green tea work as anti-inflammatory agents and protect against chronic diseases such as cancer or arthritis by neutralizing free radicals or harmful molecules produced during normal cell activity. They also decrease insulin resistance which often results in diabetes prevention or remission. Drinking green tea will give you all these wonderful benefits! There are so many reasons why you should start drinking green tea today. Not only does it taste delicious, but there are many other things that make it worth the switch. Not only does it taste great, but there are many other things that make it worth the switch. Check out this list of top seven benefits below
6) Makes you smarter
1. Improves Brain Function
2. Reduces Inflammation
3. Promotes a Healthy Heart
4. Helps with Weight Loss
5. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels
6. Fights Cancer
7. Boosts Immune System
7) Combats stress
We all know how it feels to be stressed. Your heart races, your mind is racing, and you can't seem to calm down no matter what you do. But did you know that green tea can help? That's right, this popular beverage is not only delicious, but it can also help fight stress. A study found that drinking three cups of green tea per day had an anti-stress effect on people. As a result, they had lower levels of cortisol (the hormone released in response to stress) in their blood than those who drank less or none at all. Prevents Alzheimer's: It has been shown that the compounds in green tea, such as EGCG, may have protective effects against Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related mental impairments by protecting the brain from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Lowers cholesterol: Another way green tea could help combat stress is by lowering cholesterol levels. Research suggests that over time, those who drink four cups of green tea each day might experience a 10% decrease in LDL bad cholesterol. If you want to get even more out of your cup of green tea, add cinnamon! Cinnamon can help regulate glucose and insulin levels which means it will help keep your blood sugar stable and reduce inflammation. Lessens the risk for cancer: Drinking green tea may also help protect you from certain types of cancers. In fact, research shows that drinking two cups of green tea daily helped to lessen the risk for prostate cancer by 54%. Helps prevent strokes: Researchers have found that individuals who drink two cups of green tea every day are about 30% less likely to suffer from strokes than those who don't. Improves skin health: Want glowing skin? Drink some green tea! Researchers believe it helps prevent aging because it improves antioxidant activity in cells while reducing inflammation - both factors contribute to premature aging. Reduces diabetes risk: One study showed that women who consumed four or more cups of black or oolong teas per day were 40% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who drank just one cup a day. Although more research needs to be done, there seems to be a link between decreased risks of type 2 diabetes and consumption of green tea. However, if you already have type 2 diabetes, consult with your doctor before adding green tea to your diet.
A few tips for brewing a perfect cup of green tea