Ice, Ice, Baby: How to Skincare from the Cold
The dryness and brittleness of cold, winter air can do a number on your skin, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In this article, we’ll give you tips and tricks to skincare during the cold months of the year. We’ll show you how to take advantage of winter weather by using frozen water in your beauty routine, how to replenish your face with essential oils, and what foods you should eat in order to keep your skin healthy despite the harsh weather conditions.
Skin Concerns in the Winter
When it comes to skincare, winter can be a tough time of year. The cold weather and dry air can wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it feeling dry, tight, and irritated. And if you're someone who suffers from conditions like eczema or psoriasis, the winter months can be even more challenging. But don't despair! There are plenty of things you can do to care for your skin during the winter months. Here are a few tipstips that will help keep your skin healthy and hydrated this winter:
1) Make sure to drink enough water - You may need to drink up to 3 liters per day in order to stay hydrated in the wintertime. Try drinking warm water with lemon for a boost of vitamin C (remember, vitamin C is important when it comes to collagen production!).
2) Use lip balm with SPF - Lip balms can moisturize as well as protect against UV rays (and windchill!) that dry out lips during colder months. If you have very sensitive skin that reacts badly to chemicals, try using beeswax-based lip balms instead. 3) Wear sunscreen - Using sunscreen every day is important at any time of year, but it's especially crucial during the winter because UV rays are so much stronger at lower temperatures. Your best bet? Look for sunscreens that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide because they offer protection without the potential irritation caused by chemical sunscreens.
4) Moisturize - It's especially important to apply moisturizer after getting out of the shower, so that your skin has an opportunity to absorb some extra moisture before being exposed to the elements again. I recommend starting off with a hydrating cream (ideally one without too many heavy oils), then adding layers until you find what works best for your needs. Personally, I really love The Ordinary's Squalane Oil because it provides all the hydration my skin needs without feeling greasy. My favorite part about this product is that it doesn't clog my pores, which can happen with other oil-based products. To finish off my routine, I use La Roche Posay Anthelios Ultra Light Sunscreen Fluid for Face Dry Touchable Body Mist SPF 60+, which has broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection along with antioxidants and anti-irritants. These four steps should leave your skin looking fresh and ready to take on whatever the winter throws at you! 1) Drink enough water to stay hydrated.
2) Apply a lip balm with SPF and wear sunscreen to prevent dryness and wrinkles.
3) Take a bath with Epsom salts, olive oil, and peppermint essential oil for added hydration.
4) Finish off your winter skincare routine with an extra layer of moisturizer to combat dryness. 5) Invest in a humidifier to increase the humidity levels in your home.
6) Use coconut oil for healing purposes.
7) Limit your alcohol consumption, and stop smoking. Alcohol can increase skin sensitivity and smoking leads to premature aging of the skin. What's the point of going through all the trouble to keep your skin healthy and hydrated during the winter months if you end up undoing all that work with a night of partying or smoking, right? In my opinion, the biggest winter skin saver is a humidifier. I know it might seem strange at first, but increasing the humidity in your home can make a big difference in how dry your skin feels. You can also moisturize from head to toe with coconut oil. This natural oil is antibacterial and antifungal and helps heal damaged skin cells. Coconut oil also helps maintain elasticity in the dermis (the innermost layer of skin) while making you look younger! Finally, limit your alcohol intake because it dehydrates your body on top of everything else!
The Power of Warming Products
When it comes to skincare, we often think of products that we can use to cool down our skin. But in reality, there are a number of warming skincare products that can be just as effective in treating various skin concerns. For example, if you have dry or dehydrated skin, try using an oil-based moisturizer with oils like argan or jojoba which will trap moisture and restore suppleness to your skin. A good option is La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water Emulsion for Dry Skin Renewal Serum for Dry Skin from Olay Regenerist series. The treatment serum contains hydrating ingredients such as chamomile extract, shea butter and niacinamide. Shea butter also has natural antibacterial properties so this serum is perfect for acne prone skin types who need to avoid clogged pores. Another great way to hydrate dry or aging skin is by using a mask made out of oatmeal which contains anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to reduce redness associated with rosacea
Masking Over Moisturizing
Masking is all the rage these days, and for good reason! This intensive treatment can target specific concerns while infusing skin with much-needed moisture. But what do you do when your skin is feeling extra dry and dull? Time to up the ante with a little cold therapy. You may not have heard of this technique before, but it’s been around for centuries in Asian cultures where it’s known as yukidoki. Essentially, it involves using an ice cube or crushed ice on your face as a way to temporarily reduce inflammation and promote circulation in the skin. The most effective way to use this technique is by holding an ice cube directly on your skin for about 10 seconds at a time. You can also massage crushed ice over troubled areas like redness or breakouts or apply dampened cloths soaked in water mixed with 1/4 cup of salt—just be sure not to rub too hard if you go that route! It's also important to note that not everyone will experience relief from ice therapy, so it's best to test out how your skin reacts first. Another tip worth mentioning is to let the cool compress set for at least 5 minutes before wiping off any residue; otherwise you'll just wash away any benefits. And don't forget to give your moisturizer an extra shot of love; cooling treatments can leave skin parched without help! I recommend adding a layer of hydration before proceeding with your regular routine for the day. A few of my favorite go-to products are Origins GinZing Energy Boosting Moisturizer ($39), Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner ($20), and Hada Labo Tokyo Premium Lotion ($13). For more ideas, check out our list of the Best Products for Dry Skin
Putting It All Together
When it comes to skincare, we often think of warm weather and sunshine. But what about when the temperature drops and we're left out in the cold? Here are a few tips on how to keep your skin looking its best when Jack Frost comes knocking. Don't forget to moisturize every day - even if you don't feel like your skin needs it. Apply a rich moisturizer with SPF before heading outside so that you don't have to worry about using sunscreen or making sure you have time for a daily moisturizer application once you get back inside. If you know you'll be going outdoors for an extended period of time, invest in an anti-aging cream with SPF 30 or higher so that it can help prevent wrinkles as well as protect against sun damage. These creams also tend to be more moisturizing than those without SPF, which is perfect for dry winter air! We all know how important moisturizing is during the cold months, but many people find their skin gets drier and looser due to lower humidity levels. Be sure to add hyaluronic acid serum into your routine at least once a week so that you maintain moisture levels throughout the season.
The final thing I want to mention is hands; because of our hands' constant contact with water, soap, paper towels, etc., they are constantly exposed to harsh chemicals and other irritants (even though these things may not cause us any immediate discomfort). As such, they should be given some extra TLC during colder months because they are under more stress than usual - slather them up with plenty of heavy duty hand cream after each washing session. Treat yourself to a manicure with your favorite nail polish color so that you always have nice nails. You could also paint your toes if you need something new to do with your toesies! My last piece of advice would be to use lip balm to avoid chapped lips. And don't forget that Chapstick isn't just for kids! Moisturize your lips nightly with chapstick or vaseline to protect them from cracking and bleeding. Make sure you wear gloves when working around ice so that you can still enjoy your fingers later in life! Also remember to stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids and being careful not to get too much sugar or caffeine - both will dehydrate you. Drinking hot cocoa, tea, coffee, and soups are great ways to stay hydrated without filling up on sugary snacks or energy drinks. Also make sure you bundle up in layers so that your body has the opportunity to adjust between different temperatures while remaining protected from windchill. Windchill increases the risk of frostbite so be mindful of prolonged exposure times outdoors! Winter is a great time for beauty products because there's no UV rays harming our skin every day. There's no better feeling than popping bubble bath for two in the tub then slipping into some fluffy PJs then curling up with a good book! This can be a great way to pamper oneself and treat oneself to some me time so you don't get overwhelmed with school, work, and the various responsibilities of adulting. It can also be a great way to spend time with friends and family! Spend the holidays in front of the fireplace, lighting sparklers on the Fourth of July, or singing karaoke into your wine glass. Try taking a candlelit bubble bath for one - it doesn't have to be romantic - just spend some quality time alone with yourself! And who says that means staying in? Put on your fluffiest coat and head outside for a walk! It's good for you skin as well as your soul. Just keep in mind that all of this protection is necessary, but a little bit of sun can be great for your mood and your vitamin D levels. Use sunscreen when you're out in the sun, and limit your time outside to thirty minutes at a time. Don't forget that winter brings about dry air and cold weather which leads to cracks in your skin - keep up with moisturizing to prevent dryness! Be sure to wash your face, lips, and hands before bed to prevent bacteria from settling in. Lastly, be smart when you go outside. Use an umbrella or a hat to shield yourself from the sun and don't forget that it's not just the heat of the summer that can burn you - snow can also give you a nasty case of frostbite. To combat this, make sure to cover up with coats, hats, scarves, and gloves for added warmth! It's also important to stay hydrated and keep your skin as dry as possible. Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air and take advantage of the warmer inside temps! Consider a humidifier for your bedroom or office so that you can feel comfortable in a less than ideal environment. A final word of advice is that when you are outside, try not to leave your skin exposed for too long - this includes avoiding lengthy phone conversations and sun tanning sessions! It's also important to drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin from the inside out. It's especially helpful when there's snow on the ground, because you've been sweating more trying to stay warm! Last but not least, make sure you always wear gloves whenever possible when taking care of outdoor chores like shoveling snow. There's nothing worse than having dry hands and chapped lips after spending hours clearing your driveway.