Will India's gaming and e-sports industry explode in 2022?


 Will India's gaming and e-sports industry explode in 2022?

It’s been only five years since the Indian gaming and e-sports industry has risen to prominence, but there’s no denying that it’s here to stay—in fact, estimates predict that India will be among the top ten markets for e-sports by 2022. But how did this industry boom so quickly? What are some of the challenges it will face as it grows? And what does the future hold for this burgeoning industry? To answer these questions and more, keep reading.

First, let's look at why growth is important

Growth is important for any industry because it means that the market is expanding and there is more opportunity for profit. The gaming and e-sports industry is no different. In fact, growth in this industry is especially important because it can have a positive impact on the economy as a whole. For example, increased economic activity usually leads to increased employment opportunities which has a knock-on effect of improving general well-being. However, economic growth can also lead to negative consequences such as inflation which means consumers will have less disposable income to spend on nonessential items like entertainment and recreation. But this might not be an issue if India maintains its GDP growth at 7%. But what does the future hold for Indian gaming and e-sports? Let's look at some key points to see if we can make an educated guess. First, India's internet penetration rate is expected to reach 73% by 2022. Second, mobile phone usage rates are projected to grow from 48% in 2017 to 67% by 2020. These two factors combined mean that gaming and e-sports have plenty of room for growth. We can expect great things from the Indian game and e-sport industry over the next five years!GG EZ OP WTF SK

Now here are some stats on 2018

The Indian gaming industry is currently worth $890 million and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.4% to reach $1.6 billion by 2022, according to a report by Frost & Sullivan. The country's online gaming market is currently worth $400 million and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 30% to reach $700 million by 2022. Currently, there are about 50 million online gamers in India and this is expected to grow to about 200 million by 2022. The mobile gaming market in India is currently worth $290 million and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 36% to reach $520 million by 2022. At the same time, the PC games market in India is worth $270 million and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% to reach $320 million by 2022. And while it might not seem like much compared to other countries, the Indian e-sports market is worth just $10 million now but is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 43% and be worth $100 million by 2022. So with all these numbers flying around, what does this mean for you as an individual gamer or entrepreneur? If you're looking for an exciting new industry with great opportunities for both independent developers and investors alike, then you might want to consider jumping into one of these sectors sooner rather than later! There are tons of lucrative ventures waiting to be taken advantage of if you know where to look. For example, some highly competitive tournaments happen annually in which skilled players battle against each other in order to win cash prizes – these can take place on PCs or even on consoles. Or maybe you want your own team: investing in a major league soccer team seems expensive so why not start small and take up management yourself? All-in-all, it seems that there will always be room for gamers and entrepreneurs alike as long as they work hard enough. One thing we do know for sure is that people who succeed in any field should be able to find ways to keep themselves challenged, whether that means climbing the ladder within their company or getting out of their comfort zone. Now that you have more information about the state of gaming and e-sports in India going forward, how do you feel about being part of it? What do you think your next move should be? Do you want to stick with what you've been doing or would you like to try something different? Remember, if you don't change anything and keep going in the same direction, nothing will ever change. It might be scary to think about stepping outside of your comfort zone but if you never step outside of it, you'll never get anywhere. You only live once and so you might as well make the most of it. I'd suggest starting by thinking about your goals for five years from now. Where do you see yourself in that time frame? Once you figure out what your goals are, create milestones every three months to help keep track of your progress and then use those milestones to measure your success. To give you an idea of what these milestones could entail, here are two examples: in six months, you could set a goal to reach 500 subscribers on YouTube and by nine months, you could aim to double the number of subscriptions. These types of steps may seem minuscule but they're important because they give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to continue working towards achieving your ultimate goal.

Here are three ways to look at the situation

1. The amount of people who play video games in India is expected to grow from about 50 million in 2018 to nearly 300 million by 2022. 

2. The amount of money that people are willing to spend on gaming is also growing. In 2017, the average Indian gamer was willing to spend about $10 on games. By 2022, that number is expected to grow to $30. 

3. The number of professional gamers in India is also expected to grow from about 1,000 in 2018 to over 10,000 by 2022. Given these statistics, it seems likely that the Indian gaming and e-sports industry will explode in 2022. 

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And finally, we'll look at who will win and why

The Indian gaming and e-sports industry is expected to grow exponentially in the next few years. This growth will be driven by several factors, including the increasing popularity of online gaming, the proliferation of mobile devices, and the rising disposable incomes of young people. Additionally, gaming has been around for decades and its popularity has increased as time goes on. 

It can also be assumed that many Indians will have a greater interest in playing games due to increased internet connectivity that has been observed in the country recently. 

As an example, it was found that during one month at the end of 2017, a whopping 38% of all Indian internet traffic was video game related. 

We predict this trend will continue well into the future! With so much going for the industry already, it looks like Indian gamers are poised to do great things in 2022. Just last year, there were 300 million gamers who played online games in India. By 2020, we estimate that number will jump to 450 million, with projected revenue reaching $2 billion annually. As more and more resources become available to these players - such as cheaper PCs - they're able to get even better equipment than ever before which only makes them stronger. And because of the fact that these players are better equipped than ever before, they're able to achieve their dreams of becoming professional gamers - something that would not have been possible ten or twenty years ago without significant financial investment. In just five years' time we anticipate some of these talented Indian players achieving international success on a level never seen before!


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