Vitamin C: What It Does and Why You Need It


 Vitamin C: What It Does and Why You Need It

Vitamin C plays an important role in the human body by maintaining healthy connective tissue, boosting the immune system, and even fighting off cancer cells in some cases. But why do you need vitamin C, anyway? This article will explain what vitamin C does in the body and why it’s important for your health to get enough of it each day.

10 facts about vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that supports normal growth and development. The body needs vitamin C to make collagen, a protein that is essential for the proper functioning of bones, blood vessels, skin, and tendons. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron, which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. In addition, vitamin C helps protect the body against infection and supports wound healing. One important function of vitamin C in our diet is its ability to neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are damaging molecules produced by natural processes in our bodies as well as environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke, or excess exercise. They can damage our cells and their DNA or cause them to age prematurely. Studies have shown that individuals who get more than 200 milligrams per day from food sources (such as oranges) have significantly lower levels of inflammation than those who do not eat enough vitamin C rich foods. Inflammation plays an important role in diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and asthma. Research has shown that when supplemented with 500 mg/day of vitamin C for six months the incidence of colds was reduced by 40%. The research on this topic has been done over many years and much attention has been given to possible adverse effects on health due to supplementation with high doses. 

A daily intake of 400-1000 mg is recommended according to WHO guidelines. As we grow older, we need less vitamin C. For example, children should consume about 10 mg per kilogram of weight; for adults it is about 6-8mg per kilogram of weight. So, if you weigh 70kg (154 pounds), your recommended dose would be 700mg per day. Excessive intakes above 1000mg do not provide any additional benefits but might lead to increased risks for kidney stones and low plasma magnesium concentrations. One final thing worth mentioning is that bioavailability may be affected by medications including antacids, some antidepressants like Prozac®, warfarin (Coumadin®), metformin (Glucophage®), niacinamide (B vitamins) and colchicine as well as potassium supplements. Some medications may bind to vitamin C and reduce absorption. Foods that contain substances called oxalates can also inhibit absorption of the vitamin. Lastly, cooking in acidic ingredients like lemon juice or wine will decrease vitamin C content. If this is the case, vitamin C in these foods must first be activated before they are cooked. Citrus fruits, vegetables and juices are excellent sources of vitamin C. Cooking and storage can affect the amount of vitamin C in foods so read labels carefully to see how long each product is stored after packaging. Fruits that are great sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, kiwi, papaya, pineapple and mango. Vegetables that are a good source of vitamin C include broccoli, spinach, kale and tomatoes. Juices can be a convenient way to increase the vitamin C in your diet. Orange juice is the best-known source of this nutrient and one glass provides about 100% of the recommended daily intake for most people. Other types of fruit juices have varying amounts of vitamin C depending on the type and ripeness of fruit used in processing. The better quality fruit used in juicing, the higher level of vitamin C that is found in the finished product. The same is true for a fruit-flavored drink. Lemon juice is not a very reliable source of vitamin C because the acid in the juice causes the vitamin to break down and become inactive. Foods that are processed with artificial sweeteners also have reduced levels of vitamin C.

A healthy diet that includes foods containing plenty of vitamin C, like fruits and vegetables, can help keep our immune system strong. Without enough vitamin C, our bones and teeth could become brittle. Studies show that an adequate supply of this essential nutrient reduces risk for certain cancers such as bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer and esophageal cancer. We still don't know what the optimal amount of vitamin C intake is in order to prevent all cancers from occurring though there's mounting evidence suggesting it may lower risk of cancer development. These findings suggest that high doses over 1000mg aren't necessary to receive potential health benefits, but large populations studies should explore whether lower doses offer similar protection against cancer. In addition, there needs to be more research into why some people experience side effects when taking high doses of this supplement while others don't report any adverse reactions at all. It is possible that the various genetic differences between people play a role in their response to vitamin C. More research is needed in this area as well. Research suggests that vitamin C supplementation may have a modest effect in improving symptoms of exercise-induced asthma. While the general population is advised to avoid excessive doses, those who smoke and have diabetes should be aware that supplemental vitamin C may enhance the effect of certain drugs used to treat these conditions.

In conclusion, vitamin C is a vital nutrient that benefits human health in many ways. Our bodies can't produce it, which means we need to get it through our diet. There are few foods that are rich in this antioxidant so make sure to include fruit and vegetables every day. Be mindful of foods that are high in oxalates as well as other medications that may interfere with absorption and cooking methods which can also affect the amount of vitamin C available for consumption.

How you can get more of this vitamin in your diet

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for human health. It helps the body to form collagen, which is essential for healthy skin, bones, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also helps the body to absorb iron from the diet. Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Some vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower contain significant amounts of vitamin C when they are cooked. Other good sources are strawberries, oranges, blackberries, kiwi fruit, papaya and guava. Other food sources are cantaloupe, grapefruit, pineapple, red peppers and leafy greens such as spinach or kale. Many foods are now fortified with vitamin C to help meet daily requirements (e.g., orange juice). Foods containing high levels of vitamin C are generally not harmful, unless you have a specific sensitivity or allergy. Consuming foods high in natural sugar may cause problems if you're trying to reduce your sugar intake. The National Institute of Health recommends that men get 90 mg/day and women 75 mg/day. Too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea and other unpleasant side effects so take care not to consume more than 1000 mg at one time. Consult your doctor before taking large doses if you have a kidney condition, gout, stomach ulcers or any medical condition where high doses might be harmful for you. Vitamin C is available in tablets and capsules but should only be taken under a doctor's supervision because too much could lead to liver damage. Vitamin C can interact with some medications, so talk to your pharmacist or physician about potential drug interactions. For instance, it decreases the effect of anticoagulants, increases the absorption of tetracycline and quinolones, and makes aspirin less effective. Pregnant women need 35mg more per day during pregnancy; those breastfeeding need 120mg per day; infants need 65mg per day. Infants don't have a reliable way to produce vitamin C on their own, so breast milk or formula needs to provide it. Adults need 40-60 mg of vitamin C each day, which is equivalent to eating 3 servings of fruit and 2-3 servings of vegetables per day. Vitamin C supplements should never exceed 2000 mg per day without consulting a physician. That’s because excess vitamin C may interfere with how well the body absorbs iron and calcium. In general, adults should take no more than 500 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C each day. Even though many people think that synthetic vitamins are better absorbed by the body, this is simply not true. Your body produces the same amount of vitamin C whether you are getting it through a supplement or through food. Vitamin C has numerous benefits, including promoting immune system function and helping wounds heal faster. It also plays a role in maintaining healthy teeth and preventing osteoporosis. A diet rich in vitamin C is associated with lower rates of heart disease, stroke, macular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer. People who are deficient in vitamin C may experience signs of scurvy, a condition that can cause fatigue, bruising, and poor wound healing. Vitamin C is found in a wide variety of foods and it is possible to have an adequate intake through diet alone. However, it is difficult to achieve therapeutic doses with food alone. When supplemented with vitamin C, the body may take up more iron than it would otherwise. People who want to avoid high doses of supplemental vitamin C should try to get their vitamin C through diet alone. Vitamin C is abundant in foods and it is easy to get enough through diet alone. Vitamin C deficiencies can cause a range of conditions, including scurvy, joint pain, muscle weakness, difficulty concentrating, and swollen or bleeding gums. It is also important to note that because vitamin C is water-soluble, it is not stored in the body. This means that if you do not have a sufficient intake each day, your body cannot store what you do eat for later use. Also because vitamin I does not accumulate in the body over time there are no negative consequences to consuming high doses of supplemental vitamin C. Many people believe that a high dose of vitamin C will have adverse health consequences. There is a misconception that it is toxic to the body and can cause harm. This is not the case, because your body regulates how much vitamin C you need each day. While it is not harmful to take high doses of vitamin C, it may cause diarrhea and other symptoms in those with sensitive stomachs or kidney conditions.

The best foods to eat with plenty of vitamin C

You’ve probably heard that you should be getting plenty of vitamin C. But what is it, exactly? Vitamin C is a nutrient found in food and supplements. It’s an important part of human health, but our bodies can’t make it on their own. That means we have to get it from the foods we eat or from supplements. The best sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruits; kiwi fruit; strawberries; broccoli; cauliflower; papaya; mangoes; peppers (red bell pepper, green bell pepper); Brussels sprouts. Other sources include tomatoes (all types), cabbage, spinach, potatoes (white potatoes), lettuce, green beans, onions (yellow onion), avocados and peas. When taken as a supplement, it may also come as ascorbic acid. If you are taking any other medicines, check with your doctor first before taking any supplements.

The recommended daily intake for adults is between 75-90 milligrams per day. Pregnant women should not take more than 200 milligrams per day due to potential birth defects in the baby such as neural tube defects or cleft lip and palate. It's possible to overdose on vitamin C. Large doses (more than 10 grams) can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting. 

Vitamin C has many benefits for health. For example, people who are deficient in this nutrient may experience scurvy or bruising easily because the body lacks vitamin C's protective effect against bleeding problems. Vitamin C plays a role in maintaining healthy skin by keeping cells healthy and less likely to damage DNA and promote skin cancer cells. In addition, it helps maintain collagen production in the skin which contributes to elasticity and reduces wrinkles. One study found that people with higher intakes of vitamin C had healthier gums and better dental health overall. Taking at least 1 gram of vitamin C per day can help reduce oxidative stress throughout the body which leads to increased risks for heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, arthritis and even cancer. Finally, research suggests that high intakes of vitaminC may help decrease pain associated with chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. It’s easy to see why vitamin C is so important for human health! There are lots of different ways to find enough vitamin C, too. Read on for some great tips about how to keep your intake steady through the week.

Be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water each day since it can increase your uptake of vitamins and minerals in general, including those found in citrus juices and supplements containing vitamin C. Don't forget about exercise either – studies show that just 20 minutes a day will give you some additional protection against oxidative stress from pollution and aging! A good habit to develop is to start every meal with a serving of vegetables. This can boost your vitamin C intake and provide you with valuable nutrients that are hard to get elsewhere. Adding fresh lemon or lime juice to your vegetables (or drinking it as a beverage) can really pack in the vitamin C, too. Not only does it taste delicious, but it provides you with another way to top up on your vitamin C for the day. And finally, there are plenty of tasty options for making a filling breakfast out of things like toast, cereal and eggs - all of which contain naturally occurring vitamin C. Just remember to go for whole grain varieties of these items as they tend to be lower in sugar and offer you some extra fiber. Try adding a squeeze of fresh orange or mandarin juice to your morning oatmeal, too! Remember that all natural sugars are still sugars, so it's important to keep the total amount of added sugars in your diet low. You can add a little bit of honey or maple syrup if you like, but go easy on the amounts. The same goes for jams and jellies - read labels carefully and try to stick with ones that are low in sugar.

Health benefits of vitamin C

1. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it helps protect your cells from damage. 

2. It also helps your body absorb iron, which is important for healthy blood cells. 

3. Vitamin C has been shown to boost immunity, so it can help you fight off infections. 

4. This vitamin is also important for wound healing. 

5. Some studies have even shown that vitamin C may help prevent cancer. 

6. Vitamin C is also important for cognitive function and mental health. 

7. Because of all these benefits, it’s important to make sure you are getting enough vitamin C in your ietd. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, leafy greens, strawberries and kiwi. Here are a few ideas for getting more vitamin C into your diet without eating anything! Mix up a glass of homemade orange juice with a little honey or maple syrup; chop up some fresh orange, grapefruit or tangerine and put them on top of cereal; squeeze some lemon juice over steamed veggies; add berries to your yogurt or oatmeal; or sprinkle pepper on your salad. Vitamin C is not stored in the body like fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E), so it’s important to get enough each day by eating food sources high in this nutrient (fruits and vegetables) or taking supplements as needed. Adults should aim for about 100 milligrams of vitamin C per day. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, consider adding another 50 milligrams per day. Young children need about 40 milligrams per day and older adults should aim for at least 60 milligrams per day to avoid deficiencies. One easy way to incorporate more vitamin C into your diet is to drink fruit juices diluted with water (or just water if they contain less than 100% fruit juice). Another option is to eat a bell pepper - one cup provides twice the recommended daily intake of vitamin C!


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