The Google Patent on SEO: How to Get the Most Benefits from Blogging
The race for higher rankings in search engines continues unabated, with more and more companies scrambling to get their Web pages to the top of the Google results list. But just how much do you know about optimizing your site’s performance? There are several techniques available, some of which are already known, while others remain hidden even from the most experienced Webmasters. One such technique was recently announced in a Google patent application. Read on to learn more about it, as well as how it may affect your website traffic in the future!
Search engines are constantly getting smarter
They're constantly tweaking their algorithms to provide users with the best possible results. And one of the things they look at is whether or not a website is updated regularly with fresh, original content. That's where blogging comes in. By regularly publishing new blog posts, you're telling Google that your site is active and relevant. And that can lead to better search engine rankings and more traffic. It all starts with understanding how to use keywords.
I'm always fascinated by the idea of getting something for nothing--especially when it comes to marketing my business! So I did some research and found out about these free keyword tools that are worth checking out.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool
It’s no secret--keywords are crucial for success when it comes to SEO and web traffic generation, so start by finding some keywords related to your niche. Then plug them into this handy tool to see what words people are searching for most often and what people are willing to pay money for.
Finding just the right words might sound like an easy task but as writers know, it can be tricky. One trick that helps me brainstorm is coming up with words similar in meaning (but different enough) to the words I want to use. Vegetables sounds too vague; carrots, broccoli, and spinach might be more appealing. And there's another great resource for finding ideas: Books. Check the table of contents or index for books written about your topic area, then scan through the headings within each chapter until you find one that sparks an idea for a post topic.
I hope this post has given you some good ideas to get started writing your next blog post! If you need any additional help with copywriting, editing, promoting or other aspects of social media marketing please contact us today. We would love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions about blogging, writing, copywriting, editing, or any other aspect of social media marketing. We have experience helping clients with blogs and would love to share our expertise with you. Our team offers full-service SEO services, including Web Design and Development, Content Creation Services, Copywriting Services, PPC Management Services and Conversion Optimization Services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can create customized solutions tailored to your needs.
Avoid duplicate content
Duplicate content is a common issue for many website owners, but it can be avoided with a few simple steps. By ensuring that your content is original and unique, you can avoid any penalties from Google. Plus, original content is more likely to rank higher in search results. Here are a few tips for avoiding duplicate content -Use blog post titles as your site's titles. Doing this ensures that each page has its own title.
-Link to other posts within the same blog so readers know what else they can find on the site.
-If you're quoting someone or something, include the quotation marks around their words and make sure you give credit where credit is due. These two things will help you stay clear of any plagiarism issues.
-Cite your sources by including links to information used or mentioned in the text. It also helps if you write down who you got your information from, like According to ABC News when citing an online source. That way, people know exactly where they can go to find out more about that topic if they want to. -Don't use too many keywords. Using too many keywords throughout your writing will look unnatural and spammy to Google crawlers. If you do choose to use keywords, sprinkle them in just enough so that it doesn't look forced. Don't get crazy and start keyword stuffing (which means repeating the same word over and over again) because this will actually hurt your chances of ranking well in Google. However, adding a few strategic keywords here and there won't hurt you in the long run. Just make sure not to abuse it!
-Do some research on how often bloggers publish new posts. There's no set answer for how often blogs should be updated; however, we recommend posting new content at least every 1-2 weeks. But don't wait until you have 10 posts before you share anything! The best thing you can do is publish at least one new post per week so that your followers always have something fresh to read.
-Be open to constructive criticism--criticism is how we grow! We all want our blogs to succeed and getting feedback from others can help us improve our blogs quickly while cutting down on mistakes along the way.
Longer content gets more shares
A recent study conducted by BuzzSumo and Moz looked at the correlation between content length and social media shares. The study found that, on average, articles that were over 1,000 words got more social media shares than articles that were under 1,000 words. This is likely because longer articles provide more value to readers. In-depth content is also more likely to be shared because it is seen as more authoritative. So if you want your blog posts to be shared more, make sure they are packed with valuable information and are at least 1,000 words long!
Even if you’re producing short and sweet content for a niche like cooking or entertainment news, don’t skimp on adding value for your audience. Use high quality images and videos, create interactive elements such as quizzes or infographics, and link out to other relevant websites where appropriate. When writing links within your post, avoid spammy anchor text by using keyword variations (e.g., find out how X lost weight in 7 days) instead of pure keywords (e.g., how to lose weight in 7 days). Don't forget – there are many other factors that influence search engine rankings besides just word count!
Keeping your posts short and sweet increases search rankings
According to a recent Google patent application, shorter posts may be better for your blog in terms of search engine optimization (SEO). The patent, titled Ranking Documents Using social media Signals, was filed in 2012 but only recently released. In it, Google details how they would use things like the number of Facebook likes and Twitter followers to help determine how high a given piece of content should rank in search results. So, if you're looking to get the most benefits from blogging in terms of SEO and web traffic, keep your posts short and sweet! And always provide an image with your post - studies show that images are 35% more likely to generate clicks than just text alone. As much as possible, include relevant keywords in both the title and the body of your post - try using at least two to three keywords per 100 words or so. Also consider taking advantage of links within your post by using words such as read more or click here. If you'd like some more pointers on maximizing SEO through links, check out this helpful infographic on proper anchor text usage... I've noticed that a lot of bloggers tend to neglect the importance of keyword research when starting their posts. Keyword research is crucial for any business because it allows them to know what people are searching for and ultimately provides them with targeted customers. It's also important because popular keyword phrases have an average cost-per-click rate around $0.14 - which means even small changes can significantly impact revenue over time!
With all these different blogs being created every day, I think its important to make sure we do our part in providing valuable information, increasing page views, and attracting new readers while creating increased revenues over time with our work! One way to do this is by employing effective SEO techniques into our blog posts - especially considering that Google has started ranking sites higher based on social media engagement signals. These techniques will not only increase the likelihood of getting found via a search engine, but will also generate more interest in clicking onto your site from potential visitors who are engaging with it online. And remember: A good mix of titles and images alongside active links equals quality SEO!
Keyword Density doesn’t matter as much as once thought.
A few years ago, it was all about cramming as many keywords into your content as possible. But Google’s algorithm has come a long way since then, and now it’s more about quality than quantity. In fact, according to a recent patent application from the search engine giant, they may even be penalizing sites with too much keyword density. So what does this mean for you and your blog? For starters, don’t go crazy with repeating keywords in your text – not only will it make your content less readable, but Google might actually penalize you for doing so. Instead of focusing on cramming in as many words related to your business name or topic as possible, focus instead on creating high-quality articles that are informative and helpful to readers.
When writing articles based around certain topics or ideas, do some research first before diving right in – this is especially important if you have never written anything like it before. Find out what people are already saying about that subject online so that you can avoid common mistakes or misconceptions; just make sure not to plagiarize! After reading through the top posts on similar subjects, you should have a good idea of what information your readers are looking for and what type of language they respond to best. Now that you know how to create better content, we’ll discuss where you should publish it next. There are two main options when it comes to posting your work on the web: start a personal blog, or post it on one of many different websites that allow you. The benefit of starting your own personal blog is that you control everything - including the domain name, look and feel, layout, etc. - which means there's nothing stopping you from making changes whenever necessary. Of course this also means you'll need to handle design tasks yourself (or find someone who can), including website maintenance and updates, because it's up to you! The benefit of posting content on another site (like WordPress) is that someone else will take care of updating and maintaining your site for free - meaning less work for you.
Scannability of your content is important.
A recent Google patent application on SEO highlights the importance of content scannability for getting the most benefits from blogging. To make your content more scannable, use shorter paragraphs, headlines, and bulleted lists. You can also highlight key points with bold or italic text. Breaking your content up into smaller chunks will make it easier for readers to scan and find the information they're looking for. Headlines are a great way to draw in visitors who might not be interested in reading an entire post. Start by thinking about what keyword you want to rank for - and then include that word in the headline so that you have a higher chance of people finding your post. Consider using variations of your keyword in both your blog post title and subtitle as well. For example, if you are writing a blog post about chicken recipes, consider creating titles like Best Chicken Recipes, How to Cook the Perfect Chicken, etc. But don't just stop at one variation! Add another headline or subtitle with another variation on the same topic. If you wrote a blog post about all of the best breakfast foods, you could add How to Eat Breakfast as a subtitle or add Breakfast Ideas as another blog post altogether. Use keywords in your descriptions, too!: Scannability is important for any type of content-even video or image posts. As mentioned before, including keywords in headings helps search engines determine which posts are relevant for specific searches. The metadata field is located at the bottom of each page and includes keywords that describe your page's content; this metadata needs to be filled out every time you publish new content. Take advantage of these valuable fields-they'll help boost rankings with search engines while providing useful information to potential readers!
Updating old posts with new information increases ranking.
If you're like most people, you probably have a few old blog posts that could use an update. Maybe you wrote them when you first started blogging and your knowledge has since increased, or maybe new information has come to light that changes the perspective of your post. Whatever the reason, updating old blog posts is a great way to improve your SEO and get more web traffic.