10 Divorce It is possible that the situation will not get out of control even after adopting all the aforesaid forms of peace.
And reconciliation to avoid wrongdoing in unfavorable circumstances and there will be no form of compromise between the two from China.
If you trust each other and it becomes difficult to fulfill the limits and rules set by Allah Almighty then forcing them to maintain the marriage contract even in their last state, it is obvious that both of them are oppressed, in which case their life will be difficult.
It will be the worst example of distress, which is likely to lead to the issuance of hateful, disgusting and disgusting acts, and the sector is in trouble and scene instead of family benefits.
In the eyes of Islam, although divorce is an unpleasant and unpleasant fruit, but even in such cases if divorce is strictly prohibited, then this marriage will be a cause of great tribulation and trouble for both of them.
Islamic law allows divorce Because the only peaceful way out of the difficulties and hardships that arise after marriage is divorce there is no substitute for it.
According to Islamic law, divorce in such situations is a law based on mercy, in which It is permissible for a man to divorce his wife and marry another woman.
In the same way, if a woman is getting free from marriage then she can get married in another place.
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The Right and Best Way to Divorce When the situation has reached such a point that divorce is a relief for both husband and wife without which it would not be possible for both of them to lead a happy life.
Divorced as he wished and as many as he wished Rather, its limits and rules have been laid down.
Which makes it very clear that the laws of Islam are comprehensive and in accordance with their exact nature.
Therefore, the correct and best way to divorce is 1 to give the wife only one divorce in clear words the husband should say to the wife I have divorced you.
2 Divorce should be granted when the woman is Pak Holini she is not menstruating and she has not had intercourse during this period of purity, because it is a sin to divorce during
menstruation and divorce will be granted after intercourse.
So it is possible that her 'iddah may be taken due to going to the city of pregnancy, which is a cause of hardship and anxiety for the woman.
That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there This is because usually a person divorces in anger due to temporary pain and temporary differences, but later both of them realize this intensely and despite the divorce, there is no loss in love for each other.
On the contrary, it is increasing more than ever They both deal with their confidence as they choose to embark on their play activities.
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Even if the divorce is granted on purpose there are various difficulties in adopting the said method.
The most difficult of these is that only one divorce can be granted by force, because in the case of a divorce, the husband has the option to return to his wife within his iddah without taking remarriage.
And if the husband does not have intercourse within the period of iddah then after the period of iddah has passed.
Even if the wife leaves his marriage but there is room for both of them to remarry each other in which case I am not a halal Shariah condition.
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Why and how three divorces in Islam The best way to get a divorce has been stated earlier that in case of compulsion and dire need, a divorce should be given in clear words in the state of chastity of the wife in whom she has not had intercourse with him.
But sometimes a man wants to end the marriage relationship by giving three divorces in such a way that for him, the opportunity of intercourse and renewal of marriage is yet to come.
Even in this case, the teaching of Islamic law is that three divorces should not be granted at once Rather, a divorce should be considered in a state of purity.
If not for the circumstances So after one menstrual period another divorce should be granted in the state of Paki.
To be considered If the situation is still not under control and the good of this world and the hereafter can be seen only by ending the marriage relationship by giving a third divorce.
Then after the second menstrual period has passed, the third divorce should be granted in the state of third purity.
After that the marriage relationship will end completely now both the man and the woman will be haraam for each other and it will be possible for both of them to perform twelve marriages with each other only if the divorced wife If she marries another man
And the other dies then either she dies or divorces then in this case after the period of 'iddah has passed again.
The scope of marriage will be possible without it to establish a relationship without marriage Will have no form.
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Islamic law has completely abolished the medical relationship after three divorces and has not given the right of remarriage Instead of healing there will be misery and misery.
Therefore, before Islam and in the early days of Islam it was the custom that if a man divorced his wife tens of times he would still have the right of recourse within the iddah which would make a woman's life miserable.
There was an incident in the Prophet's time when a man became angry with his wife and said to her I will not keep you and I will not let you go.
The wife asked How is that She said I will divorce you and I will return to you before the 'iddah is over.
Then she related this incident to the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah be upon him to whom the verse Divorce Martan.
The door to exploitation and oppression of women was closed and the husband was imprisoned to either keep his wife well or leave her in a good manner.
However, after the first and second divorce, the right of return was given, so that the mother can compensate for her loss if she wants to.
And after three divorces, it is forbidden to have a marriage without a halal marriage, so that people do not make fun of the divorce.
This is the real and best way to get three divorces in Islam if considered in this way So it will become clear that the Islamic system of divorce is based on depth and spice.
In order to make a decision with full foresight and insight for such a big and final decision, obviously there should be said or interval in which the life of a person comes back to normal.
The impression of current situation and problems disappears and the pen and the elders Any action can be taken after consultation and negotiation.