If it is open it should not be hidden and should not be seen in any untimely place.
Issue 2 If a woman is granted one or two divorces her ruling is that if she wants to marry another man she should get married after iddah.
It can also happen during iddah Written divorce also occurs by writing a divorce, thus signing a divorce letter and also by putting a thumbs up.
Divorce in anger There are three degrees of anger 1 The initial stage is that it involves the intellect.
There is no change inside, he says what he says with his own intention and understands it, in that case his words are valid like the words of common people and his divorce will take place and will be enforced.
2 The highest and most extreme is that the story reaches such a level that it has no knowledge of its words and deeds.
This condition is like insanity and insanity 2 The middle level is that it did not happen like the madman but it has increased from the first level.
And the situation is that without the intention the inverted straight words come out of the mouth but he is aware of what he says In this case, his words and deeds are as valid and valid as in the first case.
If the husband and wife are not able to get married in any way and the man is not divorced, then it is permissible for the woman to give some money or give her dowry and say to the man.
You are responsible for the dowry Leave my life in return for it In response, the man said I gave up.
He did not answer while sitting in the place but got up from that place or the man did not get up, the woman got up, then the man said well I left then nothing happened to him Problem 1
The man said I divorced you The woman said I accepted, then it became district If she did not give and got up from there or the woman did not accept it then there was no district.
but if thewoman remained in her place and the man got up after saying this and the woman accepted after he got up, then it became district.
2 The man only said that I told you district What else did the woman accept Rupee money is not mentioned by the man nor by the woman.
But the right of the man over the woman and the right of the woman over the man is forgiven It is not obligatory to return it but you will have to provide bread clothing and shelter until the end of the iddah Done.
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If he also mentioned the wealth he had read with him, as he said In return for a hundred rupees I made a district with you Then the woman accepted and became a district.
He will have to pay the suropas whenever he has taken September and even if the dowry is still paid he will have to pay, and he will not die because he was pardoned because of two districts.
Issue 2 In the district, if a man is at fault, it is a sin and haraam for a man to take money and property or to have khula in exchange for the dowry which is due to a man.
It is also haraam and if it is the fault of the woman, then she should not take more than the amount of mahr that has been given.
Even if you take more than the seal it is still inappropriate, but it is not a sin Issue 2 The woman did not agree to the district The rest is not forgiven.
Issue 2 Sesab Baatin at the time when the word of the district is said or said Leave my life for Soropa or for a thousand rupees or leave me in exchange for my dowry and if not said so but He said the word divorce, as if to say.
If you divorce me in exchange for Sorope, it will not be called district If a man divorces in exchange for this property, then a divorce has been pronounced and no right has been forgiven in it.
Neither the right which is above the man nor that which is above the woman has been forgiven If the man has not given the seal he too has not been forgiven.
Issue 2 The man said that if I divorce her in exchange for Soropa then the woman has to accept it Kush had said that if he accepted after moving to another place, then there was no divorce Issue 2 The woman said Give me a divorce.
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Issue 1 If the husband divorces, then he should stay in the house of the husband in whom the divorce has taken place till the time of three menstrual periods.
Do not go out of this house do not marry Nadun at night nor with anyone else When all three menstrual periods have ended the 'iddah has ended and the prohibition on leaving the house and marrying has ceased.
Divorce Issue 1 If a young girl is divorced who has not yet menstruated or has grown so much that her period has stopped now their iddah is three months.
Issue 1 The solar girl got divorced and she started her iddah according to the number of months then she came within one or two months within the' iddah.
Then now she has to complete her iddah till all three menstrual periods have come Otherwise the iddah will not end.
Issue 1 If a person is tender and divorced at the same time, he should stay till the child is born this is his iddah When the child is born the iddah ends Shortly after the divorce.
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If the woman forgives I will divorce her The woman said Okay I forgave youAfter that, if the man did not divorce nothing was forgiven and if he divorced her in the lower house he was forgiven.
Issue 2 The woman said Give me three divorces in exchange for three suropas If a man gives one divorce then only one suropay will kill me and if two divorces are granted then two rupees.
And if three are given then full Three soro pay will be taken from the woman and in all cases divorce will be pronounced.
Because divorce is in exchange for wealth Issue 1 A minor boy and a mad man cannot divorce his wife.
When a woman's husband divorces her or the marriage ends in the district etc or the husband dies then in all these cases the woman has to stay in the same house for the duration of the study until that period ends.
She cannot go and marry another man When that period is over she can get married wherever she wants This period is called iddah.
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If she fell in love with him by mistake within 72 years, then another iddah became obligatory because of this companionship.
Issue 2 The man has declared divorce and if the man is living in the house where the woman is undergoing iddah then he should arrange the veil very well.
Issue of 'iddah of death 1 If one's husband dies then he should stay in the house where she used to stay for four months and ten days after the death of her husband.
It is not permissible to go out however It is okay for him to go out of the house if he has got a job of cooking etc.
no matter how much he has spent, but he should stay in his house at night whether he has fallen in love or not and whether anyone Whether there is any kind of loneliness or not and whether it happens or not.
Everyone has the same rule that four months and ten days of 'iddah should be observed. Gone, now is not the end of months, even if a child is born shortly after the death of the husband, the 'iddah is over.
Issue 2 The whole house is wherever you want. It is a custom to keep a fixed place in a place where the mourner's four feet and self-sacrifice do not get the bill from there.
Issue 2 If a husband dies on the first day of the new moon and the wife is not found, then according to the world, he should complete four months and ten days.
The ten days of the month should be completed and the same is the ruling on the 'iddah of divorce If there is no divorce on the first date then every