Persimmon: The Powerhouse Fruit You Didn't Know You Needed
If you're like most people, you don't really think about persimmons until they show up in your grocery store in late autumn and you're tempted to buy one because it's so pretty, only to get it home and wonder what the heck you're supposed to do with it.
But this fuyu type of persimmon, which the United States Department of Agriculture refers to as a nut-type, can actually be an extremely versatile fruit that's delicious in all sorts of different ways.
How it boosts your immune system
Your immune system protects your body from harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. What does persimmon have to do with that? Well, according to research from Phytomedicine journal in 2000, persimmons contain tannins (plant-based chemicals), which have been shown to act as antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Persimmons may help reduce muscle fatigue while keeping your immune system up and running at full capacity. They also offer a good dose of vitamin C, so eating one will boost your immunity for the day ahead.
One thing you should know about eating persimmons is they are not always sweet While they can range in flavor depending on the type of persimmon you eat, most varieties are not very sweet and instead offer a sour taste due to their high tannin content.
That's why pairing them with foods like yogurt or milk makes them easier to swallow and digest. For those who don't care for their tartness, try soaking them in hot water before consumption or adding honey to make it sweeter.
If you're a person who needs an immediate sugar rush, then by all means add some cinnamon and sugar! Persimmons are relatively easy to find during the fall season when they come into season.
When buying them, look for ones that are firm but still yield to gentle pressure. A ripe persimmon should be slightly soft when pressed but should never be mushy - if there is any question about ripeness then use this handy tip below.
Finally, keep in mind that because of their astringent nature persimmons aren't recommended for those with stomach ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome.
As long as you have no medical issues then go ahead and enjoy this power fruit! 1) Buy them when they're in season. 2) Choose ones that are firm but give a little when you press down on them.
3) Eat them with milk or yogurt to soften the bitterness. 4) Add honey for sweetness, if desired. 5) Try roasting them in brown sugar and butter to top off your pancakes or.
Why eat a whole persimmon? While it might seem odd to eat something so large on its own, it's actually pretty easy once you get past the awkwardness of how big it is.
One option is to peel and then slice an unripe persimmon into thin pieces and lay out on a platter until ripe - these can be added later onto other dishes like salads and yogurt/puddings/mousses desserts at home or school.
If you want to take full advantage of all these health benefits in one sitting try cutting one up into cubes (the drier they are before serving means less mess too!) along with various other fruits - such as apples, bananas, pineapple - for added flavor punch by combining different elements from different fruits.
Helps with inflammation in the body
Persimmons are a great way to manage or alleviate an inflammatory response in your body.
While inflammation is usually caused by external factors such as bacteria or toxins, sometimes you can get internal inflammation due to various factors including stress, which can negatively impact bodily functions and cause long-term health problems like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Consuming persimmons may help keep your gut healthy and reduce inflammation that could be caused by things like a chronic infection.
If you’re taking antibiotics for any reason, consider adding some fresh persimmons to your diet. They may help keep infection at bay without disrupting the effectiveness of your medication.
And if you suffer from joint pain, arthritis, or gout—or if you just want to ward off these painful conditions—consider stocking up on this fruit. It contains flavonoids that work to fight free radicals and promote cellular health.
The antioxidants it provides also contribute to cell rejuvenation so they stay strong and healthy. The high content of vitamin C means that consuming one persimmon per day will give you enough vitamin C to meet the daily requirement.
Additionally, it's rich in potassium, folate, copper, magnesium and iron.
In particular folate is key because pregnant women who eat two servings per day have been shown to have children with higher IQs than those who don't eat enough of this nutrient-dense food.
As if all of this wasn't good enough, this tropical fruit has a low glycemic index (GI) so it won't spike your blood sugar levels. As well as making for an excellent post-workout snack, eating persimmons before bedtime will help you sleep better thanks to its serotonin content.
All in all, there really isn't anything not to love about this superfruit! Its flavor is sweet and fruity while its texture is creamy. It goes great in yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, smoothies, salads and more.
So next time you're grocery shopping, make sure to add some of these powerhouses to your cart! What kind of person would never buy a fresh persimmon? Anyone living in northern climates where the fruit cannot grow.
Why is that important? Persimmons should always be bought when still firm and unripe since once they become ripe, their delicate flesh starts to break down quickly and turn brown.
That being said, even if you live in a warmer climate, it's best to buy them when they're still firm since their shelf life is only three weeks.
To avoid any spoilage issues though, I recommend purchasing your persimmons from Costco - they offer both organic and conventional varieties year round at an affordable price. Now go out there and enjoy these delicious fruits!
Help you look younger
Besides looking bright, firm and fresh, eating persimmons can also help to keep your skin younger looking. This is because they are loaded with an enzyme called alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), which exfoliates dead skin cells.
Dead skin cells can lead to dryness and fine lines, which give you that aged appearance - so getting rid of them will mean plumper skin which looks fresher and healthier. AHA has also been known to help sunburn heal faster due to its natural moisturizing properties.
Persimmons are also high in Vitamin C, which will boost collagen production in your body (something you’ll want when you get older).
Moreover, some research has found that consuming fruit rich in Vitamin C can reduce wrinkles by up to 20 percent! It's not the only thing that makes it a powerhouse fruit, though; there are tons of other ways that this little guys can help make you look and feel better.
For example, a persimmon has about 15% more potassium than bananas do. Potassium helps regulate fluid balance in the body and contributes to healthy blood pressure levels too.
It's also a great source of iron, making it helpful for those who don't eat meat or have iron deficiencies or any type of deficiency where consuming iron would be beneficial.
Iron is needed for metabolism and producing red blood cells, among other things. That's why people who suffer from anemia often recommend eating foods like dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins and avocados to combat the condition.
If you're on a low-carb diet, then good news! Persimmons are lower in sugar than most fruits and come packed with lots of fiber. And if you're ever feeling sick, eating something sweet can actually help alleviate your symptoms as persimmons contain boron (a mineral used to treat bone loss) as well as flavonoids which boost your immune system.
So while these little guys might look small, they really pack a punch! They're super versatile, meaning you can use them in many different dishes. Plus, they taste delicious.
Their flavor profile has notes of apple and pear but with a slight citrusy kick at the end, making them perfect for adding sweetness to desserts without weighing down your stomach afterward (they have less sugar than most fruits).
In fact, anything that requires applesauce can easily substitute it with persimmons instead. These fruits are even becoming more popular in restaurants now thanks to their versatility and health benefits.
With all these benifts we've listed here today, it's no wonder why we think you should try adding this powerhouse fruit into your diet today! You can find them in your local grocery store year-round.
Which means you'll never have to worry about missing out. They're definitely worth the investment. So next time you're looking for a refreshing snack, it's worth giving persimmons a shot.
Improve your sex life
The fruit is chock-full of an amino acid called arginine, which plays a critical role in helping with blood flow and erections. Of course, it's not quite that simple: Your body needs many of its other amino acids to produce arginine in adequate quantities.
Still, adding persimmons to your diet is a great way to increase your intake of essential nutrients and give your sexual health a boost! The fruit can be eaten whole or ground into a powder.
Do some more research on persimmons so you can get up to speed on how they might help improve your sex life. Persimmons are full of an amino acid called arginine, which helps with blood flow and erections.
But for this to happen your body needs the right mix of other amino acids. Luckily, consuming persimmons will increase your nutrient intake, giving you a powerful edge when it comes to sexual health.
Eating persimmons whole or grinding them into a powder makes them easier to take advantage of their various benefits. If you want to enjoy all of the fruits' goodness, including its effect on sexual performance, then make sure to look up everything there is to know about persimmons.
The best part? There are lots of ways to eat persimmons - from eating them whole to making a powder out of them.
It doesn't matter what your preference is; as long as you have access to these yummy fruits, you'll have access to a newfound sense of confidence and satisfaction in bed! Eat them raw or grind them into a powder, just make sure you're taking advantage of all the health benefts they have to offer.
From improved sex lives to increased energy levels, persimmons pack a lot of punch and are worth exploring if you haven't yet. Persimmons contain high amounts of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A and potassium.
All four of these vitamins and minerals play key roles in providing you with optimal energy levels. In addition to preventing fatigue, persimmons also promote general well-being by increasing your immunity against infection and illness.
With all the crazy things going on in our world today, wouldn't it be nice to rest easy knowing that we're looking after ourselves and being mindful of our physical bodies? Try incorporating persimmons into your everyday routine so you can see why they're quickly becoming one of the most popular fruits around! Add some delicious.
Nutritious and filling persimmons to your next smoothie recipe and watch yourself go from feeling exhausted to energized. Make sure you always have a supply of fresh berries so you can whip up something delicious any time the mood strikes.
Help improve heart health
This wonder fruit may be small in size, but it packs a big punch when it comes to heart health. Containing a high level of soluble fiber, persimmons can help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease, which leads to heart attacks and strokes.
More specifically, fiber can bind to cholesterol-rich foods and bile acids (produced by your liver to aid digestion) and remove them from your body via stool.
Studies have also shown that when you consume larger amounts of fiber over time, you'll experience less of an increase in LDL bad cholesterol levels after eating meals compared with someone who eats low-fiber diets—an added bonus for those who are looking to maintain healthy hearts.
Persimmons can also lower blood pressure because they reduce the workload on the heart. In addition, their insoluble fiber has been linked to weight loss because it helps control hunger and keeps blood sugar levels stable so you don't feel hungry as often.
For those trying to drop pounds, consuming a higher amount of soluble fiber is key because it speeds up the metabolism and promotes satiety, which decreases appetite.
And while we're on the topic of appetite, people who ate three servings of this versatile fruit per day felt fuller throughout the day than people who didn't eat any at all.
One thing's for sure: When you go this route instead of choosing chocolate or ice cream as your dessert option, you won't regret it.
Help control blood sugar levels
A study from researchers at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that persimmons, like grapes and blueberries, help slow down digestion. As a result, it helps keep blood sugar levels in check.
It can also reduce high cholesterol and inflammation levels in your body (3). Most importantly, they help improve overall gut health. While there is no magic food that will fix your digestive system overnight, adding more fiber-rich foods like persimmons to your diet can help over time.
Additionally, when you eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juice or smoothies—which rob you of their dietary fiber—you might see a reduction in bloating and abdominal pain.
The key word here is might because different people have different sensitivities to different things, so be mindful of what works for you.
Finally, while there are tons of other nutritious fruits out there, persimmons are one worth exploring if you want to expand your horizons on the nutritional front. Not only do they offer tons of vitamins and minerals, but they're also low in calories with very few carbs. Plus, they taste amazing.
Protects against certain cancers
Many varieties of persimmons contain polyphenols, which have strong antioxidant properties. While they don’t offer a complete defense against cancer, these compounds can slow tumor growth and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.
That’s why persimmons are high in our fruit power rankings; a 100-gram serving contains nine milligrams of polyphenols. (For comparison, one medium apple contains three milligrams.
For best results, eat dried persimmons or drink their juice rather than fresh fruit—the drying process increases polyphenol content by as much as 300 percent.
If you find dried fruits too hard to chew, mix them with yogurt for a refreshing dip. Dried dates also work well as an alternative.
Let's keep this blog post going! One of the most common complaints about eating healthy is that it can be so expensive.
So what if I told you that there is a fruit out there that provides tons of health benefits but doesn't cost more than other foods? Yes, it's true! Persimmons are perfect for those who want to live a healthier lifestyle without breaking the bank. In fact.
According to Daily Harvest CEO Nik Sharma persimmons actually cost less per pound than bananas.
How amazing is that? Not only does eating more persimmons benefit your health but it helps save money on groceries while still providing necessary nutrients.