The Amazing Benefits of Bananas Why You Should Eat More of Them.
If you’re not already eating bananas every day, then you should really consider adding them to your diet more often! Bananas are rich in nutrients and are the perfect addition to many recipes because of their naturally sweet flavor.
They’re also low in calories and carbs, making them an ideal snack food And because they’re so versatile, it doesn’t take much effort to add them to your diet! Read on to learn about why you should eat more bananas every day.
Fights CancerCancer
A high-fiber diet is often associated with a reduced risk of cancer. One study even found that eating high-fiber foods helps to lower one’s risk for breast, colon and lung cancers.
The pectin found in bananas plays a role in lowering your risk for many forms of cancer, due to its effectiveness at killing off free radicals and its ability to clear carcinogens from your body.
In addition, according to The Antioxidant Food Chart, bananas are among some of the best foods for fighting cancer because they contain beta-carotene, which is used by our bodies to produce vitamin A an antioxidant that protects against cell damage and has been linked to anti-cancer properties.
For example, if you're trying to fight breast cancer or any other form of cancer, it's important to eat a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables that have plenty of antioxidants.
Eating these types of food can help prevent DNA damage from occurring. If you don't already have cancer but want to prevent it from happening in the future, it's crucial that you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day.
Drinking water can help reduce your risk for developing kidney stones and protect against bladder infections (which can be triggered by dehydration.
It also helps regulate your body temperature so you don't get overheated or dehydrated during exercise or hot weather conditionsconditions. Lastly, drink enough water to keep your urine a pale yellow color.
If it becomes dark yellow or brownish in color, you need more fluids To learn more about how to maintain proper hydration levels check out How Much Water Should I Drink.
Improves Heart Health
Study after study has shown that eating bananas and including them in your diet benefits heart health. Studies have proven that those who consume bananas are less likely to develop blocked arteries and die from a heart attack than those who avoid bananas.
What is it about bananas that helps protect against blocked arteries It is potassium, which lowers blood pressure, prevents blood clots, reduces inflammation and helps keep a healthy heart rhythm.
This can prevent strokes, some types of cancer, kidney disease and many other conditions. Better yet, eating bananas is one of very few natural ways to get a significant amount of potassium without taking pills.
So if you're looking for an easy way to reduce your risk for heart disease or have already been diagnosed with such a condition—increase your consumption of these tasty tropical fruitsfruitsfruitsfruits! And eat at least two every day.
In addition to improving heart health, studies show that consuming bananas regularly may also improve brain function as well as slow down mental decline in older adults.
There is even evidence showing that people suffering from depression see improvements when they start adding more bananas into their diets on a regular basis.
But how do bananas help? Experts believe it's because of their high levels of tryptophan, a mood-boosting amino acid which may make depression sufferers feel happier overall by raising serotonin levels naturally and making them feel more relaxed.
Bananas also contain vitamin B6, magnesium and copper —all nutrients that help maintain proper mental function over time.
And finally eating lots of fresh fruit will help you lose weight (and keeps your body healthier) too! So if you're looking for a natural way to reduce stress, boost your mood and prevent cognitive decline—eat more bananas!
In addition to being great for your brain, research has shown that eating bananas can help fight cancer cells.
It turns out that there are certain compounds in these fruits called protease inhibitors which block enzymes necessary for tumor growth.
This means that eating one banana every day can protect against certain types of cancer including breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.
Maintains a Healthy Cholesterol Level
Cholesterol is actually quite healthy and important to maintaining a strong immune system. However, cholesterol that’s not produced by your body, but rather from food, can cause problems.
Consuming too much animal fat and trans-fats can increase unhealthy cholesterol levels and lead to health complications such as heart disease.
Eating bananas can help lower your cholesterol naturally. Bananas are a great source of soluble fiber, which binds to bile acids in your digestive tract and removes them from your body before they have time to form into plaque on your artery walls.
In addition, bananas contain resistant starch (also known as prebiotic), which helps keep your intestines healthy and aids in digestion.
This makes eating bananas good for weight loss because it reduces bloating and constipation. If you don’t like to eat bananas alone, try adding slices to smoothies or using them in baking recipes for muffins or breads.
It’s also easy to freeze overripe bananas for later use when you want to make banana bread or cookies at home instead of buying packaged goods at the store.
Bananas are an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. They’re full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients and provide energy without raising blood sugar levels. Plus, there are so many ways to enjoy them!
Supports Muscle Growth
Bananas are made up mostly of water, so it’s no surprise that they contain a decent amount of potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps regulate fluid levels in our bodies and is important for proper muscle growth and maintenance.
But getting enough potassium can be tricky when you eat a typical Western diet because many common foods have been processed or grown with pesticides, which block some of its absorption into your body.
Luckily, bananas don’t contain as much pesticide residue as other fruits and veggies so go ahead and grab another slice! If you’re looking to add more potassium to your diet, bananas are a great place to start.
And adding them to your daily routine won’t just help build stronger muscles; it could also lower blood pressure and reduce risks of developing type 2 diabetes, too.
It's also worth noting that high-potassium diets have even been linked to reducing heart disease risk.) It’s always best to get nutrients from whole foods whenever possible, but sometimes supplements are necessary.
Many people take potassium supplements if their intake isn't sufficient through food alone. However, supplementing too much potassium may lead to dangerous complications like hyperkalemia, which occurs when there is an excess of potassium in your bloodstream.
Make sure you speak with your doctor before taking any kind of supplement to make sure it's right for you! To make things easier on yourself, try snacking on half a banana every day instead of eating an unhealthy snack like chips or cookies—it might seem insignificant at first glance but will surely add up over time.
Fights Fatigue
A diet that’s low in nutrients and vitamins can make you feel tired, sluggish, and weak. And as if that weren’t enough to put you in a bad mood, not getting enough nutrients like vitamin B9 (folate) and vitamin C could lead to anemia.
The easiest way to get more nutrients is through eating bananas; one banana contains about 27 percent of your daily needs for these vitamins.
Another plus? Bananas also contain tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin the happy hormone. It’s no wonder they call it nature’s Prozac.
But why stop there Other foods rich in vitamin B9 include spinach, broccoli, beans milk, cheese, and chicken. Vitamin C-rich foods include citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons; strawberries; red peppers broccoli; cauliflower.
cabbage; tomatoes; potatoes with skin on them (but not white potatoes); kiwi fruit; papaya fruit and cantaloupe melon. Most people eat bananas for their potassium content, but another reason to go bananas is because they’re filling.
In fact, just half a banana has almost 4 grams of fiber—that's 10 percent of your daily value! And because fiber takes longer to digest than other carbohydrates, it makes you feel fuller longer and controls blood sugar levels after meals.
All good things when trying to lose weight. If you want more healthy tips on how to lose weight fast , check out my post here.
What do you think of my top 10 ways to burn fat Did I miss anything? What are some of your favorite healthy recipes Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think Amanda
There are affiliate links in this post from which I will earn commission if purchases are made. Read my full disclosure policy here.
There are affiliate links in this post from which I will earn commission if purchases are made. Read my full disclosure policy here . #2 Banana Bread This is one of our favorite things to do with bananas—and it's so simple that we can make it on a whim any time there is an overripe banana sitting around begging to be used.
This tasty loaf of banana bread is rich and delicious, perfect for breakfast or a snack, but try eating it plain or with a dollop of peanut butter for an extra special treat As you know, everything tastes better when eaten on an outdoor picnic table overlooking beautiful scenery Enjoy
Cures Ulcers
In a 2010 study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, researchers gave 120 rats (60 control group; 60 test group) a daily dose of acetaminophen. The control group was given water, while the test group was given varying doses of banana extract mixed with water.
A few days later, both groups were split into two subgroups – 30 from each original groups – and both were also assigned to be fed either regular food or diet containing additional acetaminophen. The researchers found that those in the banana-supplemented diet had an increase in liver mass (up to 50 percent more than that of those who did not receive it), without experiencing damage or fat buildup.
They concluded that bananas are beneficial for protecting against liver damage caused by medications such as acetaminophen. This is good news because some painkillers on the market can lead to serious health problems if they're taken at too high a dosage.
It's not just your liver that will benefit from consuming bananas – it's also your heart and lungs. In another study conducted on mice in 2012, researchers discovered that banana extract could protect against acute lung injury (ALI).
This type of injury usually occurs when there is too much fluid in the lungs, which prevents oxygen absorption and causes severe inflammation throughout other parts of your body.
Those treated with banana extract had less acute lung injury compared to those who didn't receive treatment. Another study showed that eating bananas regularly may reduce your risk of having a stroke.
Researchers examined data from 8,811 people between 45 and 79 years old over a period of nine years and found that participants who ate two or more servings of fruit per day had up to 40 percent lower risk of stroke compared to those who ate one serving per day.
While eating bananas regularly won't necessarily prevent you from having a stroke, it may help reduce its effects should you experience one due to its high levels of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure levels.
Keeps Bones Strong
The high levels of manganese and vitamin C found in bananas give them powerful antioxidant properties that are essential for maintaining healthy bones.
Manganese, a cofactor for superoxide dismutase (SOD), an enzyme that works to disarm free radicals, has been linked to reduced risk for osteoporosis, while vitamin C is crucial for collagen production and strong connective tissue—two things that play important roles in overall bone health.
For optimal bone health, aim to eat about three servings of fruits and vegetables per day, including one serving of fruit at breakfast or as part of your morning smoothie.
Additionally, be sure to get enough calcium by consuming low-fat dairy products like yogurt and milk. A 1-cup serving of plain nonfat Greek yogurt contains 415 milligrams of calcium, which is nearly half of what you need each day.
Other good sources include 1 cup skim milk (300 milligrams) and 2% cottage cheese (200 milligrams). As far as fruits go, consider pairing two medium bananas with some fat-free vanilla frozen yogurt or 1⁄2 cup blueberries to help maximize absorption of all those bone-healthy nutrients.
And don’t forget leafy greens—1 cup spinach contains 103 milligrams of calcium! By eating these foods together throughout the day, you can make sure you’re getting everything you need for strong bones without taking supplements.
Plus, calcium from food is more easily absorbed than from supplements. Keep in mind that excessive supplementation may cause kidney stones, so try to limit your intake to no more than 500 milligrams per day.
Alleviates Headaches
If you are suffering from a headache and don’t have any over-the-counter painkillers you might want to consider eating a banana They contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid that is converted into serotonin, which helps produce endorphins (which are responsible for reducing pain.
So there you have it; if your head hurts, just eat a banana and call it a day. Don’t forget to pack it up in some blue plastic though because they do leak juice from time to time. For more information on natural remedies for headaches click here .
Bananas are also packed with several nutrients essential for overall health. Some studies indicate that bananas may help alleviate symptoms associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease since they contain large amounts of Vitamin B6 which is necessary for healthy brain function.
Another study suggests that bananas may even decrease nausea caused by motion sickness. There really is no bad way to eat them: If you freeze them, put them in smoothies or simply cut them up as snacks, you will never go wrong with bananas since they come with so many health benefits.
Bananas can also be used to treat bruises. Since they have a mild numbing effect on top of being rich in vitamin C, rubbing a banana peel on your bruise can reduce pain and swelling.
The same goes for rashes; if you have an annoying rash on your skin, try applying some banana peel directly onto it before bedtime and let it work its magic overnight.
For more information about natural remedies click here.
Bananas are rich in potassium but low in sodium (hence their reputation as nature’s original sports drink). They can help lower blood pressure because of their high potassium content and may also protect against strokes due to their ability to control blood pressure levels.