The Strange Similarity Between Drumming Woodpeckers and Songbirds


 The Strange Similarity Between Drumming Woodpeckers and Songbirds

Drumming woodpeckers and songbirds have similar brain structures despite the fact that they are not very closely related, according to research presented at the 2017 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting. The discovery of these similar brain structures provides insight into how brain regions responsible for complex learned behavior evolved. To further their understanding of how drumming woodpeckers, which use tree trunks to drum on with their bills, and songbirds can both use their brains to learn complex behavior, researchers from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan conducted an experiment using virtual reality to simulate learning by trial and error.

Bird Brains Are More Complex Than We Thought

There is one other major difference between woodpeckers and songbirds, which is that the woodpecker brain does not contain the same songbird-like HVC nucleus. The HVC nucleus is a region in a songbird's brain that helps control their ability to learn new vocalizations. It turns out that this nucleus is also responsible for controlling the tongue muscles, which are needed in order to produce complex sounds like those found in songs. But since they don't need these skills as much, drumming woodpeckers do not have this part of their brains developed like songbirds do. This could be why they are still able to make drumming noises but cannot match up with other animals' songs or mimic themthem. While it seems counterintuitive that evolution would leave such a large part of the bird brain undeveloped, scientists think it might have something to do with how woodpeckers use their tongues. They believe that drumming is an extension of the animal's typical pecking technique and is just louder because it has more force behind it. As long as it can create enough noise, the rest of its body doesn't matter so much. In contrast, songbirds have evolved over time to rely on learning new sounds through repetition in order to survive. Their style of singing is similar to humans: different tones create different words and sentences. It also enables them to communicate a greater variety of messages by modifying only small parts at a time. If a singer tries too hard when they get tired, they will usually give up before completing the sentence due to muscle fatigue - unlike drumming woodpeckers who can continue until their throats grow dry from lack of water! For birds, practicing every day makes perfect; if you practice your singing every day for years on end, then you'll be able to sing well. And even though these two groups have some differences, there are many ways that they're exactly alike: both groups use the same regions of their brains and the underlying reasons for using them are strikingly similar. Despite the differences, they share similarities which enable them to live harmoniously together

Scientists Finally Figured Out Why These Birds Bang On Trees All Day

In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, scientists found that both woodpeckers and songbirds use similar brain regions for drumming. The finding may help to explain why songbirds tend to be so chatty. They can't do everything with their voice, said lead author Andrea Zuccotti, a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. So they are also using their wings. 

In the experiment, researchers put wires on six woodpeckers' heads to measure their brain activity while they drummed on trees. In order to figure out what they were thinking while they drummed, the researchers would flash a light onto the bird's retina, which caused it to blink. The frequency of these blinks told them how often the birds switched from one type of cognitive process to another, such as from seeing something to planning where to move next. It turns out that the part of their brains that was most active was the same region used by songbirds when singing or listening for other birdsong. This provides an anatomical link between this repetitive behavior and vocal learning, Zuccotti said. Drumming could represent an ancestral form of vocal learning.

After making this discovery, the researchers studied zebra finches because they are known to learn their songs like songbirds. Sure enough, in female zebra finches the same area lights up when singing that was activated by drumming in woodpeckers. That doesn’t necessarily mean that every time a woodpecker drums its head against a tree, it is creating some kind of mental association with singing. But if we think about how important drumming is to communication in general—and then imagine the many different ways that animals communicate—then maybe there’s not just one type of mental association happening all the time, but different types depending on context, she added. For instance, zebra finches might associate drumming with mating displays. 

Another question raised by the findings is: How do woodpeckers remember to peck? Some scientists have speculated that they sense vibrations in the ground below them through their feet and inner ear, but that has never been proven. If this is true, Zuccotti thinks it may go back to instincts—the drumming might be tapping into pre-existing neural pathways related to sound detection or even escape behaviors. Regardless of whether the cause is instinctual or learned, she says it will take more research to pinpoint exactly what drives these unusual birds to beat their heads against solid surfaces for hours each day. One thing that seems clear, though, is that the hard work pays off. We know they're getting some sort of reward, Zuccotti said. They're going to go around and find that spot again. The areas of the brain that become active during drumming are almost identical to those that become active during song in songbirds. Researchers speculate that drumming is a primal form of vocal learning, and further studies show that they share a common ancestor. While scientists don't know exactly what makes the woodpeckers keep going, they believe it must serve some purpose to make the small feat worthwhile. Drumming is seen as a primitive form of vocal learning, and the similarities in brain activity imply that the two species evolved from a common ancestor. The study raises questions of what it is that makes the woodpeckers keep drumming, and scientists are unsure of whether this is due to a primal instinct or some form of vocal learning. Further research needs to be done in order to fully understand the implications. Scientists also need to figure out the mechanism that keeps the woodpeckers drumming and what they are learning from it. Zuccotti speculates that drumming is a form of vocal learning, and that the woodpeckers are beating their heads on the trees to get some kind of reward. Scientists are not sure of the reason, or what it is that the woodpeckers are learning from drumming, but they believe that it is a form of vocal learning. More research needs to be done in order to fully understand the implications of the findings.

Do birds get bored?

We know that birds have a capacity to play, but the question remains: do they get bored? A new study on the drumming woodpeckers of Australia may offer an answer. The researchers used a technique called activity-based protein profiling to measure the brain activity of four different groups of woodpeckers. What they found was intriguing – when drumming, all types of woodpeckers showed similar brain activity in regions that are important for vocal learning, which means these woodpecker species are likely singing with their wings as well as their beaks. This study provides fascinating insights into how brains work and have evolved across various species. Now we know that bird brains process information about music in much the same way our own brains do! And while this is still just a small piece of evidence, it makes us wonder what other similarities there might be between humans and other creatures in terms of how they perceive sound. 

Fascinating research like this is making it clear that evolution has created amazingly diverse ways for animals to communicate, including through song and through drumming. 

Birds not only communicate with each other; they also communicate with us by bringing joy to our lives through their songs. They’ve been teaching us lessons about music since before anyone knew what sound was! It's incredible to think about how far back in time some of those traditions go, and to realize that some of those rhythms were probably inspired by sounds made by animals long before humans even existed. For example, as early humans were inventing drums around 100,000 years ago, chimpanzees would have been drumming on tree branches. With such rich history behind them, it becomes easy to see why so many cultures around the world continue to incorporate music into their daily lives - and why we should too! Music therapy is often used to help patients recover from illnesses or injuries, but its benefits can reach beyond medical uses. Studies show that listening to music can reduce stress levels and improve mood. There's no reason why we shouldn't try incorporating more melody into our everyday lives, both at home and at school. How can you start adding more rhythm into your day? Try listening to uplifting music every morning as you make breakfast, or finding a local concert happening during your lunch break! Teachers could use a break in class to teach kids about musicalmusical scales, or come up with imaginative games that allow students to express themselves musically. Everyone enjoys having an outlet where they feel appreciated and supported, whether it's cooking or painting. Why not add music into your life and find out how good it feels? So the drumming woodpeckers of Australia, who sing with their wings as well as their beaks, have brains that process information about music in a similar way to our own. In turn, this makes it seem that we humans and the creatures we share our planet with all have very different ways of expressing and perceiving sound. Let’s hope that science continues to explore the boundaries of communication in order to better understand how other animals interact with the natural world. After all, we don't have to speak the same language to enjoy one another's company. Just as we humans create music to bring happiness and to convey emotion, other animals do the same. Who knows how different the symphonies of the future will be, or if they'll all be based on sounds that are already present in nature? One thing is for sure, we humans have been playing music with animals for as long as we've been human. 

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that the drumming woodpeckers of Australia are not the only animals to learn to drum. Previous studies have shown that this behavior can be learned by other species, including New Caledonian crows and even rats! These findings reinforce the idea that all animals have a range of ways to communicate with one another. 

So what does this mean for humans? While we don’t know what the next step in evolution will be or how human culture might change as a result, some things are certain: it’s never too late to learn how to drum and music is good for us. Plus, there are other ways to drum besides hitting something. Check out this video of a chimpanzee drumming on a leaf! Isn’t it amazing how all animals are unique, yet they all have the potential to drum?

Can woodpeckers drum on dead trees?

Woodpeckers drum to attract mates, mark territory, and establish social hierarchies among their own species. They also do it for reasons that are still a bit of a mystery. When we think about the potential benefits of drumming, most people assume that woodpeckers would only drum on live trees so they can get food. But what if they don't need to eat? For example, when it comes to birdsong, some bird species sing in order to find food, but others just sing because they enjoy singing. One study found that there was no link between singing behavior and foraging success in one group of thrushes, suggesting that singing is not always used as an indicator of individual quality or fitness. In other words, songbirds may just be enjoying themselves! The same could be true with woodpeckers who drum. Scientists have recently discovered a connection between parts of the brain associated with singing and woodpecking activity in songbirds- and this suggests some similarities between these two activities! There's evidence that the part of the brain which controls the muscles involved in sound production (the vocal motor cortex) has connections with regions of the brain responsible for visual processing, spatial navigation and memory—areas which are all important to both singing and drumming. So far, researchers haven't been able to show definitively whether this means that drumming also requires more complicated cognitive abilities than previously thought. However, recent studies have shown that woodpecker brains develop differently from those of songbirds over time. Perhaps this difference indicates a greater degree of cognitive ability necessary for complex tasks like singing or drumming? Further research will help us understand how the brains of these different animals work so differently while performing similar tasks. We'll also see if male woodpeckers take care of the young after mating with females. If males make an effort to defend territories and feed the young, then maybe they're doing it because they really care about their offspring instead of using them for future mating opportunities. If not, then female woodpeckers might go through periods where they aren't receptive to males' advances until new eggs have developed. That way, parents won't harm their current brood by having too many eggs at once. As for humans, it seems clear that our ancestors were smarter than we give them credit for; music is likely to have played a significant role in ancient human life long before modern civilization began. Today, music helps us regulate moods and emotions and provide exercise for our minds. It may even help increase blood flow to the brain as well as improve sleep quality--all things which are essential to health! Music itself does indeed seem like something special, but don't forget that whatever makes humans feel good often brings out feelings in other creatures too...even ones who can't speak or talk back! Woodpeckers drum to communicate, which also has a calming effect. Even if they're not talking about love or courtship, they may just be letting other members of their species know that they exist and that they are proud of it. A woodpecker may be telling the other woodpeckers that this tree is his, or that he needs help in finding food. Researchers are looking for a direct cause and effect relationship between drumming and the pursuit of food, but so far they have not found any correlation. This doesn't mean it doesn't exist though! Future studies will look into this further to see if drumming has any association with foraging success. 

One intriguing idea about why woodpeckers drum is based on the fact that it makes their brains grow! Specifically, scientists have noticed an enlargement of an area of the brain called the hippocampus, which may be related to learning, memory, spatial awareness and other higher level cognitive skills. HowHow? Drums are made of materials like wood, metal and leather. Their vibration stimulates the sense of hearing, causing sound waves which enter our ear canal and travel through fluids in the inner ear to strike the cochlea (our hearing organ). The cochlea translates these vibrations into electrical impulses that send information from your ears to your brain's auditory processing center-your temporal lobe. The high-pitched sounds from most drums excite neurons within the basilar membrane of your cochlea that respond best to high frequencies. Drums offer a low-cost opportunity for self-expression as you create rhythms which appeal to you personally or please those listening. They encourage coordination, listening skills, creativity and math skills. Playing a variety of percussion instruments improves listening comprehension because they are noisy when you hit them - perfect for understanding what someone is trying to say when there's lots of background noise around! Additionally, research has shown that improvisational jazz drummers demonstrate more complex problem solving abilities than those who do not improvise. So pick up your sticks and start drumming today! You'll have fun, and maybe make some new friends, too. Plus, it gives you the chance to connect to the earth and your own heartbeat. The repetitive motions are a way to focus yourself and develop patience. In this way, drumming forges a connection to the rhythm of life and all its many cycles. To me, that seems pretty special!

And what about human's favourite bird - cockatoos?

Woodpeckers, songbirds, and cockatoos all have been observed drumming. The woodpecker uses its beak to tap on a branch or tree trunk, while the songbird drums with its wings. A cockatoo can tap its beak on anything hard enough to produce a sound. Scientists are unsure of the purpose of this behaviour, but there may be multiple reasons for it. In some cases, it might mean that a bird is trying to attract a mate. Other theories suggest that drumming is used as an alarm call or may allow birds to communicate with other animals in their habitat. There is also evidence suggesting that birds do not always drum with the same intent. Studies show that woodpeckers only use their specialized skill during breeding season, while many songbirds will drum at any time of year if they feel threatened. It's possible that different types of brains handle these actions differently; the human brain has two hemispheres, one more dominant than the other, which could account for why people use one side over the other. Similarly, birds could exhibit a similar dichotomy between right-handedness and left-handedness. When humans are handed they will prefer using one hand over the other (usually because one hemisphere of their brain is more developed). However, it's unlikely that humans evolved from birds, so we cannot know for sure whether this mechanism also exists among them. One researcher hypothesized that the movement  can be traced back to specific areas in the forebrain where neurons fire both when a person taps his fingers on a table and when he strikes out at prey. Birds seem to share anatomical similarities with humans, like facial expressions and prehensile thumbs. These similarities could lead us to believe that the movements involved with drumming came about because we share so much biology. But again, the scientist hypothesizes that there must be some connection between humans and birds before you can definitively say that drumming has evolved from something else. We don't know what other organisms preceded humans, or if they even existed at all. In order to truly understand why drumming seems to have come up independently across many species, we would need to take into consideration how early man was related to modern day apes. If evolutionary patterns follow a linear pattern (i.e., every organism is descended from another) then each one should exist as a result of previous generations' development - meaning early man must have somehow changed into modern day apes without ever being separated by any kind of evolutionary process such as speciation. That is, until a new theory emerged. Evolutionary biologists noticed that speciation doesn't necessarily happen the way Darwin had envisioned. Instead of coming to be through the incremental change of traits, speciation can happen quickly and unexpectedly through a process called saltation. Saltation occurs when a small mutation causes significant change to an organism. This phenomenon usually happens in environments that are dramatically changing due to natural forces, like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. The possibility of saltational evolution brings us back to square one: birds drumming and humans drumming might just be coincidence. Why? Because saltational evolution is random - one trait just changes at random and spreads throughout the population, but once it becomes established, the changes stop happening randomly. To go back to the example of birds drumming, if this is a saltational evolution it could be a precursor to some sort of future event that we can't predict. What's happening now could be the last iteration of this behaviour and whatever does come next might be too far-fetched for us to contemplate now. On the other hand, it could simply be that humans are in awe of any animal behavior they find remotely similar to their own. The similarities between ourselves andand birds are so many that it's difficult for us to comprehend why we are so different from them at all. But what we do know is that there are many mysteries yet to be unraveled. Whatever happened to all those tetrapods who couldn't make it on land and became extinct because they lacked lungs capable of breathing atmospheric oxygen? And what about human's favourite bird - cockatoos?: evolutionary patterns follow a linear pattern (i.e., every organism is descended from another) then each one should exist as a result of previous generations' development - meaning early man must have somehow changed into modern day apes without ever being separated by any kind of evolutionary process such as speciation. That is, until a new theory emerged. Evolutionary biologists noticed that speciation doesn't necessarily happen the way Darwin had envisioned. Instead of coming to be through the incremental change of traits, speciation can happen quickly and unexpectedly through a process called saltation.


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