10 Ways Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) Spent His Beautiful Life
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was the most influential personality in the history of mankind.
1. He had great respect for other religions
Muhammad showed tremendous tolerance and respect for followers of other faiths. He is quoted as saying, If there were two religions on earth, one the happiness of humankind would be impossible. Muhammad reached out to people of all faiths with love, friendship and mercy. One day an old Jewish man came to talk with him but did not greet him first. When he finished talking he mentioned that he forgot the proper way to greet Muslims. The Prophet smiled and said: By God you are from those who are shown kindness twice.
Muhammad's principle goal in sending his messages was for each person who heard it directly from him or read about it in a text like the Qur'an or a hadith to also teach it through his spoken words or written word to another personperson. That is why some call Islam a religion of moderation because the message isn't only meant for the individual to learn and practice themselves. A Muslim has been instructed by Allah to convey this message so others can hear it too. For example, Allah instructs Muslims in Surah Al-Ma’ida 5:92 - لَتُبَلِّغُنَّهُ بِالْحَقِّ أَوْ لاَ تُبَلِّغْنهُ
to deliver true justice without any distortion or discrimination; to achieve universal justice. So when we do good deeds we do them for our own sake, to please Allah, and for the benefit of our fellow humans. We should never force anyone to become Muslim or make someone live a life they don't want to live just because they are part of our faith. No matter how much we love something it is wrong to force other people into doing what makes us happy. They may not share the same passion or commitment.
2. He showed hospitality to those who were in need
When visiting Medina as guests, Muhammad would invite the travellers to stay in his home until they were either able to find a place of their own or until he was able to turn it into some type of business. In one story, after sharing some dates with his guests and getting up to leave, the three companions he had been sitting with remained in their seats for fear that if they stood up too quickly the food would make them sick. So he returned and sat down, asking them why they had remained there instead of eating their meal. After explaining that they thought it might make them sick, Allah's messenger then said I am your host and you are my guest, and then made a pledge from Allah: I will never let you taste anything that is bad for you. He showed mercy to those who were not Muslim: The prophet’s kindness towards people extended beyond just Muslims. He even showed mercy on those who persecuted him and did not believe in Islam. He forgave an individual who beat him without justification, simply because he felt sorry for the man when he saw how worried his wife was about her husband's actions towards him. He took care of all Muslims, regardless of social status or wealth: One day when traveling with a group of beggars who were looking for handouts from people on their journey, one broke away and started arguing with Muhammad saying that they should have more than enough because they didn't have wives or children like others who needed more money. Muhammad took out two coins from his purse and handed them to the beggar before proceeding with his journey.
A year later, Muhammad saw that same person again begging at a roadside stop. Recognizing him, he turned around and went back to the man. Upon seeing this, the formerly argumentative beggar threw himself at Muhammad's feet weeping, pleading forgiveness. He immediately set off giving excuses for what he had done; however, before any excuse could be given, Muhammad pulled out two pieces of bread from beneath his cloak and offered it as well as two pieces of dried meat to eat before setting off again on his way. Seeing this act of generosity and humility, the beggar wept with joy and followed him. Afterwards, whenever anyone came near and asked the beggar for something to eat, he would reply If Muhammad hadn't fed me yesterday, you wouldn't find me alive today. He supported his family financially: With great success through trading goods across Africa, Mecca and Yemen for many years which enabled him to provide a comfortable life style for his family. Some scholars say that during this period of time Prophet Muhammad earned 100-200 dollars annually.
3. He always forgave, no matter what happened
No matter what happened, Hazrat Mohammad always forgave. For example, when a man who had stolen some fruit while he was cutting wood in the forest and then met the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he greeted him with As-salaamu 'alaykum The Prophet replied And to you be peace. This surprised the man, but then he remembered that he had forgotten to say a prayer before stealing the fruit. He could not believe his luck when the Prophet did not send for him. He approached the Prophet again, this time asking forgiveness for both his theft and his lack of faith.
It was this forgiving attitude which made people fall in love with him, regardless of their race or background. In one instance, it is told how an Ethiopian woman became Muslim after meeting the Prophet:
She told me that she had fallen so deeply in love with Allah's Messenger because of her conviction about Islam and her observance of it that she gave up her wealth--which consisted of slaves -left her people behind without any word of explanation to them, turned away from them entirely into exile; departed from them as a result of her dislike for their unbelief. Her sister asked her why she had done such a thing. I have come to love, said Allah's Messenger and the way of life he proclaims, and I want nothing more than that. He was loved by all those around him, including children: During the battle of Uhud, a little girl ran out of hiding, crying and screaming. One of the men wanted to kill her but the Prophet stopped him, saying Don't kill her! We are not fighting anyone but only warring against sin. Anyone killing innocents has strayed from God and His message. He believed in equality for all people: Hazrat Mohammad never discriminated between races or religions. When a delegation of Christian monks came to visit him, they were granted audience immediately despite the fact that Muslims were at prayer at the time. The Monk congratulated him on his honesty and trustworthiness, saying You have been chosen by your Lord. To this, Hazrat Mohammad replied No prophet was ever sent with something other than to worship God alone and refrain from ascribing partners unto Him. They requested him to show them the Jewish scriptures. So he brought the Tawrah and Injil and placed it before them. They said What prevents us from believing in these two books since we know that our Messengers had brought these two? Then Hazrat Mohammad answered Your Scriptures foretold our coming, though ye knew it not nor believed
4. He was more shy than a maiden
We all know that one of the major characteristics of Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him was shyness. He was more shy than a maiden and the majority of his sayings and behaviors displayed this fact. We read in Sahih al-Bukhari that on their way back from one of their battles, the companions thought about approaching their Prophet with food to break their fast but were too afraid to do so due to his intense sense of shyness. There are various other instances in which Allah describes how shy our beloved Prophet peace be upon him was. For example, when he was appointed as Messenger of God he said: O Lord! I am just an unlettered man despite being fluent in reading and writing. The Holy Qur'an says: And , he became angry and struck the rock with his staff twice. It is mentioned in many hadith that once he entered the mosque wearing a long sleeve shirt and placed it inside his chest cloth. Some also report seeing him washing himself three times during ablution before praying, after relieving himself, after waking up from sleep or at dawn because he wanted to be thoroughly clean before prayer. In some hadith it is also reported that when two people approached him with their dirty clothes while they were asking for something, the prophet told them: Take off your clothes first. You can put them in front of me and I will wash them for you. But he did not refuse anything from others. When someone asked him for something, he would always fulfill his request if possible no matter what type of gift it might be—whether it was money or clothes—except when there was fear that doing so would lead to scandalizing Islam or damaging Muslims’ dignity.
The honorable Prophet never neglected any part of worship including salah (the five daily prayers), fasting, zakat (almsgiving), performing pilgrimage and giving charity; even teaching kindness towards animals by not killing any living thing without reason.
The Holy Qur’an mentions in Surah Al-Ma’idah verse 31: Oh you who believe!
5. He would never use force unless it was necessary
War is only justified in one of three ways: to free oneself from oppression; to rescue those who are being wronged; or for self-defense. - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not want anyone to feel that they were being forced into Islam and so he would never use force unless it was necessary. He wanted people to come willingly into the faith and he wanted people to be able to live as Muslims without persecution. He also made it clear that Muslims should fight when there was an oppressive regime, if non-Muslims were oppressing Muslims, or if there was no other way for a Muslim's family and property rights to be protected. He always showed mercy towards those under his command and those who were conquered by him: It is reported in Abu Dawud that once the Muslims conquered some men belonging to Usayr ibn Zarim and his tribe, then their leader said: You can't do this! You can't do this! So Prophet Muhammad turned away from him, but Allah gave him victory over Usayr ibn Zarim because of his supplication. Then one day he came back to the Holy Prophet with his sons in chains saying: I had urged you on a certain day about something which I had right upon me. The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) asked what it was, but he replied No! No! I won't tell you anything now until these boys are taken out of the chains and set free. And the Holy Prophet took pity on them, released them and told them to go home with their father. What happened after? When they reached home he killed all his children and himself rather than let them grow up among Muslims. That is how merciful Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was even to those who tried to oppress him! He would show forgiveness time and time again in order to teach us patience, compassion, and peace. One example of this patience is when he forgave a man named Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib for leading 100 rebels against him. Even though the man later died trying to kill Prophet Muhammad during the battle at Uhud, Hamza was forgiven even though his son Muawiyah went on to become the caliph following Yazid’s death, inflicting a great deal of harm upon Islam and its followers. These are just a few examples of how our beloved prophet spent his beautiful life. We can learn so much from him and we must strive to emulate his wonderful characteristics. If we try to implement these 10 ways in our own lives, inshallah we will have many blessings and rewards coming to us. May Allah bless the Prophet Muhammad and may he give us a love of him like he loved him. Ameen.
6. He left everything in the hands of Allah – Al-Inayaat
He left everything in the hands of Allah – Al-Inayaat:
#1 The first time Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) migrated from Makkah to Madinah, he refused to call back his followers who were deserting him. He said, Allah will fill their hearts with awe at them. Eventually, all of his followers went with him without any coercion or pressure. He let God do what He willed and trusted Him for the result.
#2 When persecuted by Mecca's polytheistic aristocracy and its tribe's chiefs, he showed great patience and tolerance even though he could have subdued them on the battlefield. This shows how powerful a man can be when he has surrendered himself to his maker. One way we can emulate him is to take full responsibility for our actions and not blame others if something goes wrong.
#3 After conquering Makkah, Prophet Muhammad had many options open before him; but instead of taking vengeance upon his opponents or forcing people into submission through force, he pardoned them. Instead of being ruthless about punishing crimes, he was merciful in making sure no innocent person suffered on account of someone else’s mistake. And this is just one example among many others. In short, there is no example more beautiful than the life that he led while living amongst us as a messenger of Allah.(SubhanAllah). #4 Once he heard a woman crying because she had no clothes to wear for Eid, so he gave her two cloths out of his own pocket. There are other stories too which show the level of care and concern he felt towards women and children. For instance, during famines in Makkah, while food became scarce, he ensured that orphan children received enough nourishment - showing utmost love and affection towards them.
#5 On another occasion after hearing a widow wailing because she could not afford proper clothing to dress herself up on Eid day so Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) gave her some money out of sympathy. If you look at your own circumstances right now would you have given away your little bit? Or asked somebody to help? These examples reflect the power of generosity and selflessness that was ingrained within him. Generosity purifies the heart and soul like nothing else does. It cleanses our conscience and it brings peace, joy and happiness. When he died, they found only five dirhams sewn in his shirt near his heart. That sums up what I wanted to say here.
7. He did not want people to worship him like they worshipped Allah
The number one way that the Prophet spent his time was being a grateful servant of Allah. Other ways included:
- Providing a compassionate example for how we should treat others. - Being humble and patient, never getting angry or frustrated when things were hard or when people wronged him - Focusing on serving the needs of those around him, no matter what their background or religion - Never seeking praise for the good that he did, but feeling happy and satisfied to see other people get what they needed from himhim. - When the Prophet died, it is said that all animals in Arabia became calm and mournful at his passing. It was as if they knew just how great he had been in life. - In the Quran Allah praises Prophet Muhammad by saying, Indeed you are of a high moral character. There's also verse which says, And We have not sent you except as mercy to mankind. And another which says, Your Sustainer knows best who has strayed from His path and He knows best who are guided. - From a young age, Muslims can learn how much work goes into making sure that our families are cared for and nurtured so that they can thrive. - As parents, we can try to do better than the Prophet himself by modeling patience with our children instead of getting angry when they don't follow instructions right away. - We can find balance between honoring Islam as well as appreciating the contributions of other faiths. Instead of looking down on people with different beliefs about God, let's spend more time finding common ground and understanding why someone else might feel differently about Islam than us so that maybe next time we will feel less inclined to react negatively. Let's also remember that even though many people misunderstand Islam, there is still nothing more beautiful than a Muslim woman walking confidently towards her Lord in prayer. There is nothing more dignified than a man spending years of his life learning how to purify his soul, worshipping Allah without distraction. There is no deeper meaning or happiness than being able to spend every day counting blessings and thanking Him for every single thing that happened that day. I want this blog post to remind us all that there is beauty in both our struggles and triumphs, because with each challenge we grow closer to Allah while simultaneously growing closer to ourselves. With each struggle, we become stronger and wiser human beings. That's something to be proud of!
8. He spoke as little as possible, but listened with ears wide open
Do you talk too much? This can be a bit of a problem, so listen up. As the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: Verily, God loves silence in two instances: when he is being informed, and when someone is telling him about an act of goodness. In other words, we should listen more than we speak. This can have many benefits for our health, our relationships and also for the people we care about. Being silent can also make us happier by giving us time to think for ourselves! So really sit back and relax, knowing that it's okay if your hands are usually at rest. Take some deep breaths and give yourself a pat on the back for reading this blog post! It must've been tough, but you did it. It might not seem like a big deal to read one single paragraph without stopping - but maybe next time you'll try two paragraphs! You might find that not only does your mental state improve from taking deep breaths, but also from accomplishing things like reading a whole blog post without stopping. Keep these habits up for better mental health and self-awareness - and then share this with all of your friends who need a little help with their mental state as well :)
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم also taught Muslims to do their best to control or even suppress unnecessary speech. And although there are times where speaking out is appropriate or even necessary, take those times as exceptions instead of rules. We could all benefit from listening more intently and reflecting on what we hear instead of always being in a rush to move onto our next conversation topic. The trick here is learning how to eliminate unnecessary distractions - including social media while talking with others - that lead us away from conversations and interactions that actually matter. If we want to learn something, for example, focus on the person and don't allow anything else to get in the way. Speaking less will also help us avoid hurting other people by saying something unkind. All in all, practicing patience through mindful silences will strengthen family ties and friendships - because what better way to know someone than through hearing them out? Give it a shot! Next time you're chatting with a friend, see if you can notice when they stop talking before filling the silence with something else. Chances are, they're done and waiting for your response - so why not let them wait another few seconds to see what happens? If they say anything new after the pause, go ahead and respond; otherwise just wait for their voice to return. But remember that this practice is not just about making other people feel comfortable; it's also about improving our own quality of life. The small pauses in between sentences can help free up our brains to process information, which in turn improves memory and brain power in general! For those with ADD/ADHD issues, research has shown that mindfulness practices such as these ones may help decrease symptoms over time.
9. His character and manners were perfect
He treated all people equally, whether they were of the same social status or not. He showed kindness to all and went out of his way to help those who needed it. He made everything easy for everyone around him. Whatever he did was out of pure love and worship for the Almighty Allah! He always helped others because that is what Allah wanted from him.
That is what Muhammad used to say: The best form of jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler.
It's amazing how such a perfect human being walked on this earth. I'm sure there are so many more things I could list about the life of Prophet Muhammad but I'll leave some for you to research yourselves. There are still so many misconceptions about Islam and Muslims that we need to dispel. One day when I was researching more about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, I came across a video called The Story of Islam. It is narrated by a Muslim woman, Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, who shares her journey growing up as Muslim-American girl in post 9/11 America. She tells us of how she had been searching for the true meaning of Islam and found out that she had been living it all along. She speaks about how Islam is misunderstood and talked about negatively. She also talks about why Muslim women wear hijab. She goes into detail about how Hijab is empowering, which leads to Muslim girls taking back their identity as Muslims instead of feeling less than others who do not wear hijab. The video touches on violence against Muslims, why suicide bombers become radicalized, misconceptions with Jihad & Sharia Law, and much more! At first I couldn't stop crying after watching this video because there has been so much ignorance towards our religion but then I felt so enlightened at the end! It's not just me either; there have been countless stories about people saying Islam saved them. They felt lost and didn't know where to turn until they started practicing Islam.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH saved millions of lives by preaching peace, compassion, justice and mercy before his death. May Allah bless him forever and ever! Prophet Muhammad PBUH spent his beautiful life spreading the message of monotheism, which later became known as Islam. He taught followers to honor one another and work together in order to build a peaceful community through prayers, fasting and charity. Whenever somebody would ask him something he would answer in complete honesty no matter what the question was. He accepted criticism well and never once became upset over anyone pointing out his mistakes. And yet even though he was under attack constantly for decades, never once did he defend himself physically against anyone who tried attacking him verbally or physically - only verbally! When talking about other religions like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism etc., Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him never degraded any other faith! All we can learn from him is selfless love and infinite patience. He is the most patient person I've ever seen! He was the absolute example of what a good Muslim should be. He loved everyone and was never afraid to share his opinion, because he knew that Allah loved him for it. This is what Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him lived his beautiful life for.
The article about Prophet Muhammad PBUH says, He (Muhammad) will not break your head because he did not want to destroy your intelligence. Just as he was kindhearted and gentle in his teachings, so too does Islam teach Muslims to never bully or mistreat anyone.
10. May God shower blessings on him
1- He was always willing to help the disadvantaged. 2- He spent his money wisely to take care of the needs of others, especially widows and orphans. 3- He never felt superior or grumbled about what he had been given. 4- He never abused anyone with his tongue. 5- He never stopped trying new things as an active learner. 6- When he became a father, he found joy in raising children who were unspoiled by wealth or position. 7- With age, his hair turned grey but his heart stayed young until the day of death! 8- And lastly, although he was often exhausted by physical labor, Muhammad (PBUH) never rested until he first thought of Allah and prayer! 9- Even though he didn’t drink alcohol, Muhammad (PBUH) knew how to enjoy life through love for family, friends and good food. 10- He died at the ripe old age of 63 years old after spending his entire life pleasing God. He was buried in Al-Masjid al-Nabawi next to his favorite wife, Aisha, our Mother of Believers. May Allah be pleased with him and raise him among those whom he loves most. Ameen. As we celebrate Muhammad's birthday, may we be mindful that Islam is not just about worshiping five times per day. Islam means to live one's life pleasing God in all that one does - even if it is only doing some dishes! There are many ways one can do this: sharing a smile with someone you know is feeling lonely; offering kind words to somebody who has lost their job; standing up against violence and unfairness; helping someone out without expecting anything in return... In this way, every moment becomes Ramadan time, every second is an opportunity to please Allah and grow closer to Him - আপনি may find your own beautiful way of following His example today.
Happy Birthday Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)! My best wishes to each & everyone whose soul belongs to God Almighty. I am wishing a wonderful year full of peace and prosperity. Let us take inspiration from Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) & let us read his life story as narrated by Sahih Bukhari: On one occasion, there was scarcity of food at home due to which he asked permission from his wives to go out for hunting so that he could earn something for them; however, they refused saying that Allah might provide something better than that which He provided before so he went out hungry. While passing through a lane of Medina, Abu Bakr saw Rasoolullah coming towards him riding on a donkey along with Bilal Ibn Rabah. So he hastened to meet him and he (pbuh) was surprised to see that. The reason for the surprise was that Abu Bakr was sitting upon his own mount and still holding the rein of his camel. He (pbuh) said O Messenger of Allah! Allow me to present this camel as a gift for thee. The Prophet replied, I accept thy present with pleasure. He then took the rein of the camel from Abu Bakr's hand and rode away.